Chapter 6

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I walk outside and leave my one story small house. I may not have that big of a house but my mom always tried to give me what I wanted. I start to get a little teary eyed because I regret not saving goodbye to my mom, the only reason she is sending me away is to protect me. But before I could even think about running back in a car door opens right in front of me and nobody has to tell me to get in. The inside of the car is a luxurious black and dark wooden color on the sides of the window. I look outside the window for as long as I can remember and I see the golden grass and the red, orange, and yellow leaves flowing off the trees. I drift asleep dreaming of fall and the winter to come, away from my home.
"Hey, Mya. Time to get up," Mr. Bendine shakes me awake.
"I thought we were here already? I thought that we were driving the whole way," I comment.
"Oh no. We live in a secret area," says Mr. Bendine emphasizing. I hate when people talk to me in that way like I'm a little kid.
"I'm seventeen years old you can tell me where we are going to," I state.
"We are going to an undercover area located inside the mountain. That's is where all the superhumans train and prepare for battle," Mr.Bendine informs.
I roll my eyes because I can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth is anything like the truth because he is going on and on about superheroes and blah blah blah. It sounds like he is reading from a cartoon book. I step outside the car and see a ginormous helicopter sitting right in front of me. I've never been in a helicopter before and I'm a little scared because I'm kinda scared of heights. Not like the extreme I can't look down or I'll pass out but if I had a choice between in the air or on ground I would definitely choose the ground. I jump onto the helicopter and rest my head on the window. I put on the special headphones you have to wear and we take off. We head towards the mountain but before I know what we are doing we fly right over it. Before I can ask any questions we are landing.
Moments later I arrive on a ledge.
"Sorry," states Mr. Benedine, "I have some business to attend elsewhere. There is a handprint identifier over there to get yourself inside the building. All you have to do is press your hand to scan it. I programmed your father's hand in, so it should work for you."
"Thanks you," I say.
I turn around and there it was right behind me. I pressed my hand against it. Nothing happened. I tried again. Same response which was nothing. I kept pushing my hand down on it until I gave up. I would yell for help but I'm on a freaking mountain. I go over to the edge and look down. That was not a good idea, instead I looked out. The view was breathtaking. There was a valley in the middle with a lake. The water in the lake shimmered and shined. There was a river, that started in the mountain and ended in the valley. The sound of the water was peaceful.
"You're not thinking of jumping are you," someone behind me asked' "I wouldn't unless you've got wings."
I turn around and my eyes meet the eyes of the stranger. He has blonde hair and light blue eyes. I'm probably staring because he asked, "Can I help you?"
"Actually, yes," I reply, "but first, how did you get up here?"
"I'll show you," he says before disappearing. A couple seconds later he reappears.
"How did you do that?" I ask in bewilderment.
"Teleportation of course, he announced, "now back to you. What did you need help with?"
"Well, Mr. Benedine told me to scan my hand, but when I tried it didn't work." I told him.
"It's probably a malfunction. Don't worry though, I can let you in. I was actually heading in. I guess you can tag along." He says.
"Oh, by the way I'm Mya," I clarify
"I'm Tyler," he added.
Tyler scans his hand and a part of the mountain moves. We walk in and I'm surprised at what I see.

{Authors note: Sorry for not an update in a while but I've been updating the mate of an alpha so you should definitely go check that out. Also if you have any suggestions for her super power comment it somewhere in this chapter. I have a few I'm deciding on but please leave any suggestions. What do you think she should see? If this can hopefully get to 15 reads I'll post another chapter <sorry I usually like to have a goal we can try to reach>. But by tomorrow I will have another chapter posted on The mate of an Alpha. Thanks so much.}

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