Demon Escape ch 3

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Hey guys! I have finally written another chapter for Demon Escape. Enjoy! I hope you really like it and vote + comment! :)

This installment delves more into Rio and Bri. They are more alike than they seem, but can Bri open up her heart again after so much heart to a boy that seems more elusive than dreams? Read on to find poetry and Bri's past.

Chapter 3

Bri walked quickly towards Mr. Weiner's classroom, nearly tripping over her feet. She couldn't understand why her feet seemed so determined to carry her to detention quickly, and she didn't want to understand. She saw the classroom doorway and put on a short burst of speed, stumbling into the room. She awkwardly righted herself against the doorframe and glanced up to see Rio already lounging in a seat, watching her with those eyes of his. She felt heat rise to her face as he watched her trying to catch her breath.

And when she saw him, she realized that something seemed to unclench in her stomach and free her chest. It was the strangest feeling she had ever felt-it was almost as if she had wanted to see him so badly it had become a need. She shooed that random thought out of her mind. She cautioned herself, he's an infuriating boy with a strange stare. But she couldn't seem to shake the strangely pleasurable feeling that he had only decided to bother her and only to stare at her.

Bri shakily took the seat behind Rio after Mr. Weiner had acknowledged her with a nod. She took this seat because it was the only one in the entire room where she could escape his burning eyes. If he turned around, Mr. Weiner would surely notice.

Mr. Weiner said, "You may work on your introductory essays now."

Bri took out some paper and began to write. She didn't get much farther than her name, where she lived, her hobbies, and what subjects she took in school before she was stuck. Honestly, who wanted to know a whole essay-full of stuff about her? And she sure wasn't going to reveal that she wrote poetry and painted. It was too private and meant too much to her to just lay out on a sheet of paper for everyone to judge.

And she absolutely was not going to talk about her family. Yeah, that'd be a real laugh. Her absentee father would surely provoke a few laughs when it came time to share essays. Not to mention her unmarried mother who rarely ever hung around Nana's house because she was too busy warming other men's beds. That would definitely get her a failing grade.

Bri hated her mother with a vicious passion. It was all her fault that she got knocked up in this boring little town and had Bri and left her here to rot. If she hadn't been drinking booze and being an all-around slut, Bri wouldn't even be here, in this hell of a school surrounded by kids who all had better lives than her. They had perfect little families and everything going for them.

Bri nearly hated her father even more. He was a nameless and faceless man that was probably rich and definitely wanted nothing to do with her. He had left her even before he knew who she was. And even if he hadn't, he probably wouldn't have cared anyways. Bri wanted to scream her pain to world sometimes. Wasn't there anyone who did love her, who desired her presence?

Yes-yes, there was. Nana.

Nana was everything good and sweet and warm and beautiful in Bri's life. Her weathered hands that made Bri delicious things to eat, her strong arms that hugged Bri when she couldn't keep her tears in, her warm smile that was Bri's only light in all the darkness, her beautiful eyes that crinkled in silent laughter-they were things that Bri could cherish and write about. They were the only things that mattered to her. That loved her. That would want her forever and ever.

Bri began to write furiously, losing herself into the essay as if it was her precious poetry. Her hand ached, but it was a beautiful pain, because her writing helped ease a deeper pain.

what happens when the perfect guy may be out for more than your heart...your soul? (demon escape)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora