Intertwining Fates

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Hey everyone this is just a quick short story, hope you like it!! :D

Events ....

As time goes on people are faced with many opportunities. Most of these are passed by and with each passing opportunity a door closes that could have affected there life for the better or for the worst, but in the end which opportunities do we seize and clutch onto as if life itself depended on it and which do we leave to disappear and diminish into thoughts that are long forgotten.

Sometimes I wonder if I let too many of those doors close before I had the courage to leap forward and take a chance. That if I had acted and chosen a different route, then maybe things would be different but something's just can't be changed, fixed or even cured once there broken.

Almost daily I hear about things that change people lives forever; there was a woman yesterday tall and sleek with urban hair. On the outside everything looked normal it seemed that nothing could destroy her. But as she described the circumstances that had brought her to me it became clear that she was anything but. It had started with a simple interaction at a business conference, the offer of a job "an opportunity no one would refuse," she said, but as I listened to the story unfold about taking the job and dropping everything she knew in her life, her home and eventually her friends and even family I realised why she was looking for an escape from all of it. Because of her choice she now lived were she never thought she would, she had experienced the feeling of hunger and desperation. All because she took the job, a job that in the end was not worth the sacrifices she made and has left her hung up and dry.

This is what I'm afraid of that one time I will choose something that will have an effect on my life and as a consequence of choosing this I will be left hanging high and dry with nowhere to go.

It was the young boy today that stood out of the crowd. He came to me, a teenager no older than 16 or 17 all high and mighty on an invisible pedestal of his own making. He just stood there for a while and looked at me didn't move, didn't do much of anything really "would you like to sit", I asked him trying to be polite, the boy just stood there and blinked then decidedly plonked himself onto the chair. As he started to talk little by little a story began to form it appeared that he was lost on what to do. He told me that one night after a party a group of friends decided it would be fun to tepee there current math teachers house with toilet paper, rotten eggs, paint guns and the list when on. The boy was looking for a solution on what plan of action he should take and that if the opportunity arises should he or should he not confess.

"I'm usually not one of those guys you know the ones that go out of there way and do that kind of stuff and really I was just there to watch I didn't have a go or anything like that" he admitted, but he was still guilty about not telling anyone yet and was backed against a wall for what to do.

What if I end up backed against a wall? What would I do? who would I go to when I'm all lost and confused? That's what I ask myself if I don't make the right choice when the opportunity arises what will happen.

The guy had just stood in the middle of the street yelling and screaming like a mad man. No one knew what was wrong with him or for what particular reason why he was there. I had looked on with the rest of the crowd that had formed trying to decipher what had made this man crack and decide to join the train to loony town.

He turned out to be from one of the local housing apartment. Already on the verge of insanity he had tipped over the edge by a bad break up. He had run down the apartment steps and through the door that lead directly into the street, the outcome was he yelling and screaming.

Some people in life aren't always in the right mind set they make choices that are in the heat of the moment, that can endanger them and the people around them. In the end I hope that I choose life over death no matter what may happen.

Sitting in the same place I have been occupying for the last week I sit back and wonder what I will do. Will I take the trip back home and fix what I have broken; healing and forming new bonds that will take it back to what once was or do I go on and live like I am broken and incomplete. A waiter taps my shoulder to get my attention "Do you want coffee or tea?" she asks.

That's the million dollar question isn't it, which will i chose?

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