Christmas Special #1: Christmas Spirit

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Nathan Swift has updated his status:

So, Christmas in 10 days.


Jude Sharp: Already?

Shawn Froste: Man, the year went by so fast!

Xavier Foster: I haven't even started present shopping yet

Mark Evans: Same, and I honestly don't have enough money to buy something for everyone in the team.

Jordan Greenway: Well what if we had a Secret Santa? Then we would only have to buy for one person.

Axel Blaze: That's a good idea.

Nathan Swift: Yeah, but we can't just announce who has who out in the open, and then there's rules we have to sort out

Jordan Greenway: I'll sort everything out, so just wait till later today.

Jordan Greenway has updated his status:

Secret Santa rules are as follows:

Gifts can't be over $30 and you must have them to the person you're buying for by Christmas day. No swapping people to buy for, and at no point do you tell the person you have that you're their Secret Santa. And if no telling other people who their Santa is if you know. You will be texted by Coach Hillman who you got, and even I don't know. Merry Christmas everybody~


Mark Evans: Thanks

Nathan Swift: When's he texting us?

Jordan Greenway: Should be the next half an hour.

Xavier Foster: Ok, well better start the Christmas shopping 

Caleb Stonewall: Tch, really? Do we have to?

Archer Hawkins: Yeah, not really into the whole 'Christmas spirit' thing.

David Samford: You guys really ruin the mood...

Tod Ironside: Yeah...

Shawn Froste: A challenge to all of us then- we have to get these two downers into the Chrismas spirit before Christmas eve.

Mark Evans: Challenge accepted!

Archer Hawkins: Good luck with that.

Caleb Stonewall: I hate all of you.

And that's kinda a wrap!

I've decided that on each day leading up to Christmas, so that's 10 parts in 10 days!

Here are the secret santa's: (Chosen randomly)

Kevin buying for David

Archer buying for Darren

Jordan buying for Jack

Hurley buying for Jordan

Jack buying for Archer

David buying for  Kevin

Jude buying for Scotty

Xavier buying for Shawn

Mark buying for Thor

Thor buying for Axel

Caleb buying for Tod

Austin buying for Caleb

Axel buying for Mark

Tod buying for Jude

Shawn buying for Hurley

Scotty buying for Nathan

Nathan buying Austin

Darren buying for Xavier

Can't wait to see how this turns out! Merry Christmas ya'll~

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