Part 2 out of 2

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Kairin : I hope you enjoy this story so far. The warning from the previous part applies here too.
And maybe, one day I'll
Get to see, your smile
In the arms, of someone
Who loves you, like I do

Suzuno looked Nagumo and saw how he smiled so brightly when he was with Honoka.

"Hahaha. I knew you loved her more than me."

"I am glad at least that girl loves you from the bottom of her heart...."

"Just like me."

No, this all wrong
Why aren't you gone?
I know you're not that strong
Don't listen to me
We'll always be so perfectly

"Now remembering those memories..."

"Just made me realize..."

"That I love you..."

"More than anyone."

"This song is dedicated to Nagumo Haruya. I hope he enjoys this song before I leave for good," Suzuno muttered the last part to herself.

Every bit of every word that falls out of my mouth
I swear is nothing but the truth
So sugar is more salty than sweet
And salt is way too sweet for me
So hot are winters blowing though the air
So cold are those summers spent without a care
The whales are all swimming through the stars
And then diving into rainbows that will never say goodbye

Her voice was so sweet until everyone had to turn their attention to her.

I hate you right down to the bone
I don't want you to be by me I hope you'd just leave
And in a flash forget your everything
Not a single a find will remind of you at all

"You hate me!?" Nagumo yelled, surprised that his ex-girlfriend actually hated him.

"I love you..."

"Once this song is done..."

"I will die..."

"I will disappear from your life..."


Suzuno smiled softly.

And since the god up there I know really exists
6.5 billion and one come true of every wish
And someday I know that all this pain will melt away and see
Everyone will be just smiling on for all eternity
You, who I hate, with every fiber of my being
Are still breathing, feeling fine, and living on care free
Living on still as you still breathe....

"No! I won't be happy!"

"I will be upset if you die!"

"So I will die..."

"To save your future."

Every bit of every word that falls out of my mouth
I swear is nothing but the truth
Nobody dies and no one passes away
And no one has a past they'd want to go back and change

Everyone looked at Suzuno in shocked. Tears rolling down her cheeks as she continued to sing.

It's true I hate you right down to the bone
Even when your stomach groans, I don't really care
Though you're not tired, you just sleep the day away
Although you're tired you always respond to me

"I love you Nagumo..."

"I will love you forever Haruya."

Look to the west and see the sun rise up again
Wave to rabbits in the moon and know that we willl soon
Find that happiness will always be right here with me and you
Every single person out there is filled nothing but with good
You, who I hate, with every fiber of my being
I can see you when I want and that will always be...
I can see you anytime I want....

"I will..."

"Get to see you..."



Every bit of every word that falls out of my mouth
Is really nothing but a lie
So please I hope you didn't listen to me...
I really hope you just ignore me please...

And since the god up there I know does not exist
Not a single will come true and so dies every wish
And the pain that we all feel will never just melt away
Everyone knows that the end will surely come for them someday!
You, who I love, with every fiber of being
All I wanted was to be with you and never leave
But I can't because I lied then you were gone
I was a liar right up to the end
I was a liar right up to the end

Every bit of every word that falls out of my mouth
May be the truth, don't really know
But in such a pretty world we both had loved
Just know I'm living on for both you and me
Just know I'm living on for both you and me

"I am sorry..."

"I have to leave so soon."



As soon Suzuno finished her song, she smiled softly as her heart stopped beating.

"Sayonara Haruya..."

"Aishiteru yo."

"SUZUNO!" Then it went black.

Lies - Nagumo Haruya X Fem! Suzuno FuusukeWhere stories live. Discover now