Chapter 13: I Can't Be Somethin' I Ain't

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 *(Ok, In the original movie, if you haven’t seen it, this scene involves Sarah, David and Les getting harassed by the Delancey brothers. But I changed the scene, but it’s pretty much the same concept, just with different people. Alright? Ok :) )*

                I was walking down the street. I was wondering how this strike was going to continue. We didn’t have Jack. We didn’t have Denton. No one barely listened to David without Jack’s help. The only other person they would listen to was Spot and he had also given up hope that this thing would continue. I sighed at the hopelessness this all seemed to be turning into. I was on my way to see Spot. He wanted to show me something and I was kind of excited. As I was walking, I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned my head. I saw Oscar Delancey walking behind me. He and his brother, Morris, were scabbers that were Wiesel’s favorites, but they loved to cause trouble with the newsies.

                “Did you want something, Oscar?” I sneered at him.

                “Nah, sweet face,” he said, “Excuse me.”

                I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. I had a feeling he was still following me. I glanced behind me and he was. When I turned back around I ran right into Morris Delancey. He stopped me in my tracks from walking. Now I was trapped between the two of them and I couldn’t move.

                “So, sweet face,” Morris said, “Where’s ya brother huh? Where’s Jacky?”

                “Leave me alone,” I said, “You stupid gorillas.”

                “Or where’s ya little boyfriend, huh?” Oscar said, “Where’s Spot? He still walkin’ good.”

                They both laughed. I tried to push them out of the way, but Morris just grabbed me by the waist and started to pull me into the alley. I tried to fight against them, but both of them were too strong. I screamed at them and tried to get his arms from around me.

                “Leave me alone!” I yelled, “Stop it! Let me go!”

                “Not until we’re done with you, sweet face,” Oscar said.

                I screamed again. Just then, Jack ran into the alley. He grabbed Oscar by the shirt collar and punched him in the face. He kicked him in the stomach and left him groaning on the ground. I elbowed Morris in the ribs so he let me go. I fell to the ground and Jack beat up Morris also. When they were both on the ground, Jack came over to me. He pulled me up and hugged me tightly.

                “Are you alright?” he asked me.

                “I’m fine,” I said, “Why'd ya come back?”

                “Well, I guess I can't be somethin' I ain't.”

                “What, a scab?”

                “No, smart.”

                I laughed. “Well I guess ya really are a newsie huh?”

                “Always. And I saw ya wit Spot. So what? You’re his girl now?”

                “You have a problem with that?”

                “I told ya I don’t trust Spot.”

                “Well I do and there’s more to him than bein’ one of the most feared newsies ever. Will ya let me take care of me self?”

                “You’re my sister. The only family I got. I need to take care of ya.”

                “No ya don’t. I can take care of me self at least where Spot is concerned. He ain’t gonna hurt me and you need to trust me.”

                Jack didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t argue against me anymore. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. At least I got my brother back and that was all that matter. Now it was time to get down to business. We needed to win this fight against Pulitizer if it was the last thing we did. No matter what the cost.

*(This part was really short because I wanted to put this scene from the movie in there, but the next part will be longer)*

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