The Christening

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Shelagh and dr turner thought the announcement of their engagement would be too soon, so they decided that it would be kept between them.

They both dashed to the church to find everyone waiting for them, "sorry we are both late." said dr turner "I went to pick up shelagh and we got held up in traffic as a lorry had overturned."

Jenny looked up at the pair in amazement "we all know you walked as the church is less than five minutes away!!" Jenny exclaimed.

Trixie caught onto the conversation and raised her eyebrow at dr turner and Shelagh.

Shelagh look startled and adjusted her lips as she could see dr turner had a speck of lip stick on his cheek.

Sister Evangelina approached the four standing outside of the church doors "Please make your way in as the christening is about to start!"

Shelagh and dr turner quickly shuffled through the church doors with Jenny and Trixie trailing behind them and watching their every move.

Dr turner placed his hand on shelagh's waist to make her feel comfortable in his presence, Jenny and Trixie looked at each other and gasped, they had finally clicked that there was something going on between the pair.

Through the whole service Jenny and Trixie had their eyes fixed on dr turner and shelagh... Dr turner leaned over to shelagh and gently breathed in by her ear , sending the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. Shelagh let out a gentle giggle, he discreetly whispered into her ear "this could easily be us in the next two years."

Shelagh looked around with a cheeky grin on her face, she caught his eyes looking directly at her... "Mmm we will have to see dr turner."

By then the service had come to an end. Jenny and Trixie were keen eager to find out more. Dr turner had unfortunately been called out to an accident , so Trixie kindly offered shelagh a place to sit with them at the after party.

There were five seats to a table, Cynthia was off dancing with Jane so trixie and Jenny thought that it was the best time to mention something to shelagh. Shelagh was opening a bottle of wine When Trixie asked "is doctor turner a good kisser ?" Shelagh looked up in a panic and accidentally spilt a drop of wine on the table.

"I beg your pardon" shelagh replied trying to wipe the smile off her face.

"Shelagh we do know, you can tell us" said Jenny. "Well I don't like to kiss and tell" whispered shelagh.

Trixie laughed "we're not at school anymore, I'm sure we all know a thing or two."

"I have nothing to compare him too as I have been a former nun!" Explained shelagh. The three midwifes burst out laughing. "Your little love affair with the doctor is perfectly safe with us." Laughed Trixie.

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