Two In One? Not Always A Good Deal!

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Selena and I start talking after the movie. She talks about Justin some and how seeing him today affected her, but we also talk about other things. Like her new movie coming out. Her music that she's been working on. She even gave me a sneak peek at her music video for her current single. I told her that it was good she was focusing her energy on her work, even if some of the songs were about Justin and other past relationships. 

"You hang out with Taylor too much," I joke with her. "But I'm glad you are using whatever means you can to get through this. I can see a big difference from the first time you came to now. You're a lot happier. And a lot more open about everything, which is good. You aren't very fun to be around when you keep everything in." 

"I know," Selena says. "And thank you for helping me. I know I should be over him by now, but even when I was dating someone else, I just couldn't stop-" Selena trails off, but I know what she is trying  to say. 

"Comparing him to Justin?" I finish. "Look, it's totally understandable. You dated for a long time and you loved him. You have that constant reminder of what you used to be and all the photos and questions. It's going to take time before you can look at those pictures or listen to those questions and not feel what you did when you were with him. It'll come though, I promise." 

Our session ends in a hug soon after that. 

After Selena leaves, I walk back into the office and start going through the folders. I look at Demi Lovato's folder. It isn't real thick, but it is a lot. The next is Taylor Swift. Surprisingly hers isn't as thick as one would think, but it is the thickest one of all my clients. I place Selena's to the side, needing to add a few notes. I take my time and flip through Miley's folder, then Alyson Stoner. She had a bit of a rough patch between filming the movie Camp Rock and figuring out what she really wanted to do in life. She ended up landing a job as a dance instructor. Miranda Cosgrove was also a brief client, only a couple months. She was an easy client, just needing someone to vent to more than to give advice. She came to me right after she released a music video that created a lot of criticism and she lost a lot of fans and had some angry parents to deal with. Shawn Mendes, one of the few guys that I work with, had a decent sized file. He didn't really have any problems to work through, but his manager figured that if he had someone to talk to that could help him while he was first getting into the business, it would make for a smoother transition. 

There were others, but it was getting late so I skip them, putting them back in the drawer. I pick up Justin's and Selena's folders. I know both of these are going to overlap quite a bit. I still feel bad for not telling Selena that I was working with Justin, but I am already in and want to help him. 

My phone starts ringing and I close the folders, bringing them with me to the living room. Immediately, I recognize Justin's number. It is strange that he's calling me. So far, I've only spoken with his manager. I answer before it can go to voicemail. 


There is silence for a moment. I repeat my hello. 

"Can I come over?" Justin asks. His voice is low and serious. I know something is up. 

I look at the clock. It is already almost seven and I'm hungry. I was going to make some dinner for myself. I think I have enough for two. 

"I hope you're hungry," I say. "Come on over whenever. I'm just about to make some dinner. The door will be unlocked." 

Usually I'm more professional with new clients until I really get to know them. But I'm hungry. I had only a couple bites for lunch and haven't had anything to eat but a handful of chips during the movie. 

I look through the cabinets. I settle on making Spaghetti. It is quick and easy. And who doesn't love Spaghetti? Just as I pulled the Garlic Bread out of the oven, there's a knock on the door. Since I know who it is, I just yell for him to come in. 

A moment later, Justin is standing at the entrance of the kitchen. I set the table quickly and pull out the gallon of milk and two water bottles. I'm not sure what he likes. I know Selena prefers ice cold water over anything. I don't say this, obviously. 

"I hope you like Spaghetti," I say. "Let's eat." 


Don't really have anything to say. Just wanna know what you thought of the chapter. Please comment and vote if you liked it! If not, let me know what I can do to make it better! What would you like to see happen?

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