Chapter 1 Genetic deception

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Many people say that sometimes your own blood is the one that deceive you the most and I sincerely agree with them. As someone whom I trusted and loved dearly like a mother had done the unthinkable. no not of that sort you thinking but this individual stooped at they lowest today. All these thought were running through my mind and I felt so stupid and naive to think that in today's society that people actually cared. Tears ran down my cheeks one by one slowly eventually touching my lips and I could taste them and feel the warm of my tears like I'd never felt them before. Then suddenly my tears stopped as I realised that I was stronger but then I felt like I was in the wrong and all I wanted to do was drown in the sofa that i sat on the edge of in a room with the company of only the four walls and most unfortunately a battered heater.

I continuously swept away the river that was running down my face with my palm. Then I stopped and started to play flashbacks in my mind trying to make sense of what had happened in the past ten minuets of today. I'm sat in a different room to the one I'm sat in now swinging back and forth trying to warm myself up as the cold was kicking in due to snow starting to fall outside making it a white Christmas Eve.! I was in a fit of giggles but was trying to compose my laughter as right in front of me was my aunt whom now I call zelda the evil two faced ugly witch. She was arguing with my mum and great grandad about some money they didn't even owe her and throwing hilarious accusations and trying to taunt with the most pathetic things. But then things started to heat up so my mum decided to be the bigger person and walk away as she knew it was pointless arguing with a illiterate stubborn brat when zelda whom was not talking to my family for unknown reasons started to abuse and bark vulgar things to her own sister and my mother. I'm not a violent person BUT I know how to defend and most importantly am capable of fighting back so when zelda started I sat on the sofa on my own with my phone on the side which was buzzing non stop from text messages and said," shut the fuck up and don't speak to my mum like that ."

This is when things started to escalate really quick. If she half respect for me as her niece she would have ignored my hormonal teenage comment as to be fair she was abusing and taunting my mother about her relationship with relatives and friends however zelda decided to take a very ugly turn as she aggressively came towards me. My first instinct was to get up so I followed it as she tried to intimidate me. She screamed with her finger In my face, " SHUT UP YOU BLACK UGLY BITCH" I froze with disbelief but then she didn't stop there she raised her hand and slapped me as hard as she could across my face.

All hell broke loose!
I punched her left then right then left as her glasses flew of and she pushed my back like a raging bull strangling me trying to stop me breathing all this while my mum was in the other room. But things changed quickly I was loosing oxygen I started to gasp for air when my great grandad came trying to pull this fully grown mother of four in her forties of her teenage niece. She was big very big so when he tried pulling her away she deliberately flung him across the room. I mean her father figure!this women was no women she was a monster stuck in a female body. When I caught the attention of my great grandad on the floorboards on all fours with tears in his eyes I mean who throws a old man with cancer and lung disease as well as diabetes on the floor so I didn't take this lightly. I was going to take revenge for all the things she said and done also the was she treated us in the past today. I slammed her on the floor when my mum and Ariana came running to see me punching and smashing her skull against the wall as I punched her head.

Then everything changed she was on the other side trying to reach for the phone calling her husband to come and beat me up! I screamed, " call the drunken uneducated tramp Im not scared" because to be honest I wasn't!

She came still aiming to strange me to death but this is when I realised what I had done n stomach filled with guilt and anxiety until she started to screech, go kill yourself, I hope you die,go hang yourself you Billy no mates ,I hope you get bullied and killed ugly black dog."

I mean I was younger I made a mistake but she's older and then the guilt and anxiety faded and I wanted to reach for a knife and stab her!
But then I started to consider what she said maybe I am just a ugly dog ....

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