Chapter One

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Fillipa had her outfit planned, ironed and hung up on her wardrobe door. She stared at it for a moment and thought:  Not long now. The ticket was in her bag beside the door. It was a shame that her mum couldn’t come anymore; but she’d agreed to meet up with Jenna seen as her plus one dropped out too.

She went for a shower, did her hair and put on her outfit. She could hardly contain her excitement. This was the day she would see him. Live. In the flesh. Just the sheer thought of him made her blush and giggle quietly.

“See you later!” she told her family as she headed towards the door. She checked she had everything, keys, phone, ticket and autograph book. There was no way she would let anything stop her seeing him.

It was pleasant outside so she didn’t need a coat. She put her earphones in her ears and walked along the street. She was getting a few funny looks as she walked. After all, she was listening to some of the 6 Music podcasts to get warmed up. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket – it was a text from Jenna.

I’ll meet you at Sheffield train station by the vending machine. Cannot believe that the day is finally here! I’m so excited! By the way, I’ve brought my brother’s ticket so you can sit up front with me!!!

This made her smile. It was lovely to know that there was somebody she could enjoy the gig with. Especially if it meant getting that up close and personal to the man himself!

She walked out into the road from behind some parked cars. Next thing she heard tyres screeching and she turned around. A car was heading straight towards her. The driver was on his mobile and only just noticed her but it was too late. The car hit her head on at a great speed. Fillipa was lifted off her feet, rolled over the bonnet of the car and landed beside the kerb. People watched on in horror as the driver carried on without a care in the world.

One woman ran over to Fillipa and attempted first aid. Fillipa was unconscious and began to bleed from her head. The woman scanned her to see if there was anything she could do. She noticed that Fillipa was still holding her phone in her hand. She took it from her and stared at the screen. The text from Jenna was still on there. The woman pressed the call button and lifted the handset to her ear.

“Hey Fillipa, where abouts are you? I’m just on my train from Leeds. Getting excited now!” Jenna was talking fast.

The woman began to sob. She knew that Fillipa was obviously meant to be heading somewhere.

“Errm, hello Jenna. Listen carefully and don’t panic. Your friend Fillipa has been involved in a car accident. She is here at the side of the road with me. Someone has already rung for the ambulance and they will be here as fast as they can.”

The woman sat and listened to Jenna screaming and crying down the phone. She felt completely helpless. Fillipa laid there in a pool of her own blood, showing no signs of life. The woman tried to calm Jenna down, but was also willing Fillipa to stay alive.


The staff on Jenna’s train had gathered to try and comfort her. She was absolutely distraught.

“I can’t believe this has happened, today of all days! We were so looking forward to this!” she sobbed loudly.

“Excuse me, but I couldn’t help overhearing you on the phone. You wouldn’t happen to be heading for Russell Howard’s Wonderbox gig by any chance?” A tall man with dark hair and a laptop piped up from the seats on the opposite side of the train.

“Yes, well I was. I need to find my way to Sheffield hospital now; my friend has been knocked over by a car.” Jenna wiped her tears away as the man got out of his seat and came to sit next to her.

“I’m from the local news and I was going to do a news story about the gig. But, do you mind if we use the story about your friend instead?” The man took his pen and paper out of his bag.

“For goodness sake man!” one of the staff exclaimed, “her friend might be dead and all you are interested in is getting the latest news!” He looked at the reporter in disgust and turned to comfort Jenna.

“No, I didn’t mean it like that. If we report it, there may be something we could do. Maybe get you and your friends some tickets for the next gig?” He smiled.

“Okay, but I only know what I have been told” Jenna sniffed.

She sat with the reporter as the staff moved away. She explained how excited Fillipa was to go to the gig; how they were both huge fans and were so desperate to meet him. The reporter took notes down as she spoke, nodding occasionally. This carried on for about half an hour until the announcement came over the speaker.

Train terminates here, Sheffield station. Please remember to take all of your belongings with you.

“Thank you for your time Jenna. I can understand how distressing this is for you. Here is my number – if there is anything I can do or if there is something else you remember please let me know” He handed her a small bit of card. “I’ve also rang you a taxi that will take you straight to the hospital. I hope Fillipa is okay.”

“Thank you,” Jenna replied “it’s nice to know someone cares”. The reporter guided Jenna to the taxi rank. She climbed into the taxi and waved as it pulled away. She began to cry again.

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