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Somewhere if you listen you can hear them..

Their silent screams for help 

Maybe you know one

Maybe you've only met one

But they're there.

They don't speak loudly 

They don't even angry easily

They've been there for you so nice and gentle

Aware of each and every word you say

Do you see?

The pain they feel

Or the tears they cry

Do you know?

What they go through 

even how they feel

You dont, 

Ask them how they feel

Notice the bullies

Please, don't just run away 

Don't turn your head

Stand up

Say something


I am really sick of people being so ignorant and rude towards anyone who isnt pretty, who isnt popular. The only real  "loser" is the mean, the cruel. i don't understand why people have become this way. I feel bad for them. Just know, if you are someone being bullied, or has been. There is people out there for you. I promise you that 

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