Double Delay

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"Beep! Beep!" Jeremy's computer started beeping in the middle of science class. He quickly pulled it out, and it stopped beeping.

"And homeostasis is the body's function- bla bla bla" Ms. Hertz rambled on at the front of the classroom completely oblivious to Jeremy on the computer. From where I sat I could just barely see a picture of the skid appear on the screen. Every few minutes there was a quite beep from the computer. Jeremy was furiously typing away at something on the computer.

"What's he doing?" I whispered to Aelita.

"Entering a few programs for the skid" she whispered back. I looked up to be met with the eyes of a very annoyed looking Herb and Nicholas. I shot him a nasty look, and he turned around. 'What was his problem?' I wondered. Nicholas looked back as soon as Ms. Hertz turned her back, ands stuck his tongue out. He turned back around just before Ms. Hertz could.

"What jerks" Odd muttered.

"I know, but its not like there's much we can do about it" I replied quietly. I sighed, and stared at the clock. 'man this class is boring' I thought. Half an hour later the bell rang at last, and I stood up to head to math, and left the class. During math class I noticed Jeremy again on the computer. 'I know there was something in the network that he and Aelita wanted to check out, but he ought to pay attention' I thought.

"Teacher" Herb said, raising his hand.

"Jeremy's typing on his laptop is uh- bothering me" he said.

"Jeremy put away the labtop, or I'll have to take it away" the teacher ordered. My jaw had to have dropped. Sissy whispered something to Herb, and she turned around with a triumphant grin on her face. Once Jeremy put the laptop away the class went on.

"What a real witch huh?' Odd whispered.

"I'll say, I had important programs to work on for the skid" Jeremy complained quietly.

"Jeremy why don't you hand me the laptop, and I'll just click a button to activate the program?" Odd suggested.

"What? No way" I told him, "Besides the teacher would bust you, or Herb" I reminded him.

"Please, they wouldn't expect you to hand me the laptop, and as long as I don't look like I'm sleeping the teacher won't say a thing" Odd told him with a grin of reassurance on his face. Jeremy reluctantly handed it to him, and Odd pressed a few a buttons when a red exclamation point appeared. He quickly shut the laptop, and carefully slid it back in the bag.

"Odd, what did you do?" I muttered. He shrugged in response,

"Not sure, but we'll find out after Einstein kills me" Odd replied nervously. Another twenty minutes passed at last. It was two fifteen already, and with math being the last class for today we could finally get out of here. We hurried to the sewer in the park, and hurried to the abandoned factory.

"Where's Yumi?" I asked.

"Watching her brothers" William informed me. Once we reached the lab there was a beeping sound from the computer.

"Odd" Jeremy called to him, he sounded annoyed


"What ever I did it was an accident!" he exclaimed.

"No what you did was brilliant! You boosted the skid's shield" Jeremy praised, "Good thing too because its being attacked as we speak" he informed us. As usual we headed into the scanners, and soon fell into sector five.

"Hurry to the skid hanger" Jeremy said. The four of us, William, Odd, Aelita, and I rand down the narrow platform towards the elevator when a laser fired over my shoulder. I whirled around, and pulled my swords out. I blocked a few lasers keeping them from hitting me, and the others. Over the edge of the floor creepers creeped up the sides, and were firing lasers.

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