Chapter 4

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Frau Herman gave Rudy, Liesel, and Hans a room in her house. It was nice to see something that wasn't destroyed. The following morning, they all ate breakfast with papa playing his old friends favorite. The blue Danube waltz. Frau Herman smiled and swayed slightly along to the music. Liesel noticed the absence of mama yelling at papa and calling him a saukerl for playing so loudly. She missed her terribly.

Liesel looked at papas sad silver eyes and knew that he too, was thinking of mama. Rudy saw Liesel's sad face and held her hand under the table. "You know what will make you feel better?" Rudy whispered to Liesel. There was a knowing look in his beautiful blue eyes. Liesel smiled. Rudy knew her so well. She got up, and went to the mayors wife's library. Rudy followed.

They sat down on one of the cushions piled around the many shelves of books. Liesel turned around, closed her eyes and randomly pulled out a book. It was a thin red one with gold writing on it. Liesel opened the book and was about to start reading, when Rudy put his lips close to her ear, tugged playfully on one of her braids and whispered, "how about a kiss saumensch?" Liesel laughed. "You saukerl", and pushed him. He fell sideways off the cushion. Then she bend down and kissed him on the cheek. He gently tilted her face to the side and kissed her lips.

***What Rudy and Liesel didn't know***

Papa had opened the door silently and had seen the whole thing.

"Liesel?" Liesel pulled away from rudy and jerked herself up to a sitting position. Her cheeks went red. "When I told max rudy was your boyfriend you denied it liesel", papa said, obviously trying to contain his laughter. "You what!?" Rudy exclaimed pulling himself up beside liesel indignantly. "Be quiet saukerl", liesel whispered. Papa did not say anything else. He merely winked at both of them, and left the room leaving the door wide open behind him.

A Book Thief Story: A Happy Ending For Rudy and LieselWhere stories live. Discover now