Chapter 15

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Louis: 6 DAYS TO GO HARRY!!! I'm excited

Harry: hello Louis

Louis: how are you harruuuu

Harry: I'm good Louis. You?

Louis: great! Seriously I can't wait to meet you.

Harry: Heh me too. Can't wait to pinch your cheeks and then punch you! Just kidding

Louis: Ow?

Harry: sorry not sorry

Louis: Harry?

Harry: Louis.... you really want to know?

Louis: uh yes?

Harry: fine...

Harry: when I was a kid. My mom was the sweetest Mom ever. She's always there for me. Protected me from bullies... and dad. Dad was alcoholic and also homophobic. He thinks that I'm a disgrace. I'm a mistake in the family. He always said hurtful words to me. When I turned 14. My mom died from a car accident. I cried a lot and dad was even saying "Dont worry. I'm here. I will always love you no matter what. I promise ill never hurt you again" he didnt keep his promise. Things got worse. He beat me everyday. Saying I'm the reason of her death. Then I cut. Everyday I face my dad. The beatings. The words. All of it. The time I turned 16. OH how I hate that time. When I came home from school. Dad was still drinking at the couch. And he saw me and beats me again. I cried and cried saying stop to him. But he just laugh. And... and...

Louis: Harry it's OK you don't need to continue I understand. OH Harry. You seriously made me cry. I really really want to hug you right now.

Harry: he raped me

Louis: Harry... can I kill him?

Harry: Heh. That would be great but no.

Louis: cmon Harry! I want to kill him! Maybe a little punch? Or maybe a strong punch on the face and kick his fucking balls?

Harry: OK Louis you're getting insane

Louis: or am I? Hehehe ;)

Harry: OH God

Louis: but seriously tho. I want to hug you really tight and never let you go.

Harry: that would be nice.

Louis: hey how did you meet that niall guy?

Harry: OH you mean niall? His just a childhood friend that sometimes protected me from my father

Louis: OH... sorry

Harry: it's OK Louis you didn't know :)

Louis: Soooo you're not virgin?


Louis: awee cmon! I'm just making you smile! Did it work? :)

Louis: Harry?

Louis: bye harry! Love you!!! xoxoxo.

18 minutes later...

Harry: love you too


And boom! Now you know Harry's sad back story! Sorry about the errors and stuff. I'm not good at englosh (English) ;-;

Love me *le cry for days*

Always smile

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