CHAPTER 11: "Lets talk to Mrs Summerville"

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*Knocks on principals door*
Ariana:"Mrs Summervile can we talk to you"?
Principal(mrs Summerville): "Yes girls what's wrong?
Ella:" so we know how Mikayla got sent up to you yesterday she has probably played the victim to you in this scenario but that's not the case all these years Ariana had been the victim "
Principal:" Is that so ?.How do you care to explain Ariana".
Ariana:" Yes miss", Okay ever since grade 8 she has been very mean to me since day one then one day she offered me a deal if I did all of her assignments till grade 12 she would make me popular by fake pretending to be friends with me infront of everyone including my best friend Ella and I would give her all the assignments that I've did for her".  She also threatened to tell all my secrets about my family and other personal stuff
Principal: " Wow okay that's a lot to take in can I know what's so bad about you're family if you don't mind me asking?"
Ariana: " My family had problems family problems that's all I know Mikayla said she would tell me after I finished all of her assignments she would tell me the truth about them I think this secret is why she hates me so much and plus I just told Ella the truth the other day .And plus I also have a little secret whispers I got a nose job.

Principal:" That's awful we will have a meeting tommorrow straight away we will stop this and make her do every assignment possible from year 8 starting again plus tommorrow we will find out the truth about you're family . Haha and honey don't worry you're secret is safe with me about the nose job
Ella:" Thank you miss"
Principal:" Okay well I guess I will see you girls tommorrow ."

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