Chapter 3

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I walked in to school Cody following behind me Chloe come here now he yelled don't u dare walk away from me he grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me outside so people couldn't see us well that's what he thought he raised his hand to slap me I closed my eyes and turned away in fear as he hit my face I turned around and behind me was jake he angry and sad I don't think cody saw him but as soon as we locked eyes he ran away Chloe yelled Cody grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him listen he said my parents are going away for a week and they want me and my brother to go to my aunts in palms springs so ill be gone for a week now I don't want u telling anybody or dating anybody because if u do I will kill u got it he asked I said nothing got it this time he screamed at me yes I said quietly gods he said then he pulled me back into the school later I was sitting down in English class and jake was sitting beside me I still had my crush on jake but I knew he wouldn't like me back Chloe he whispered can I talk to you at lunch I nodded yes but I was still worried that Cody would find us somehow a few minutes later my pocket buzzed I looked at the message it was from Cody it said

Cody:I'm ditching school want to come

Me:no I actually care about school

Cody: fine whatever I'm leaving anyway

Me: ok go ahead

At least I didn't have to worry about finding me talking to jake

Everything alright jake asked me um yeah I replied a while later the bell rang for lunch a few minutes later I was outside sitting next to jake Chloe can I ask u something he said sure I replied this morning when I saw you was that guy with you your boyfriend he asked I bit my lip nervously yes I said quietly Chloe he said how could u date someone that would hurt u like that I know it's just I started to cry it's ok Chloe u can tell me anything so I told him about how he would kill me if I told anyone or if I left I wasn't supposed to tell jake but I felt like I really trusted him he hugged me tight as cried into his shoulder it's gonna be ok I had told jake everything he really cared about me

Thx for reading I hoped u liked it ❤💗

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