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This book is being published. I have to take it down (at least to 10% of the work) you'll have until November 10th to read it before I take it down.


Steve's Point of View

"Well Mr. Bennett, how does it feel?" A guard asked me as he handed me one of my few last meals. The metal tray clanked onto the concrete floors of my cell, instantly spewing some of the food onto the floor to make it inedible.

"How does what feel?" I asked to humor the guard. He had come by everyday with crass humor in an attempt to get a reaction out of me, but even after twenty years he had failed.

"Knowing you're about to die." 

It was getting down to days now; roughly ten if my timing was right. It didn't feel any different, since all the shock had been taken out in the first few weeks of my incarceration. I had been found guilty, but I didn't see a chance of getting out of it unscathed when Anna and my bastard of a son testified against me. They tied the rock around my neck and let me sink to the bottom without a second thought.

Although, Anna had agreed to come and visit me before the execution date so that I could be accountable for the other girls I had taken. The bodies of all my wives had all been found, including Kelly's because of Anna's bravery and determination to put me away for life and have me receive the death penalty. Those that had the job of digging the bodies up were sure to be pleased when I was dead and gone from the world. All of their precious children, daughters everywhere, would be safe at last, but they didn't have any idea what was really going to happen when I was dead.

I laughed slightly, confusing the guard as he pushed the plate of food closer to me and stood back up to walk away. Kelly, I thought with a soft sigh escaping my lips. We had had such a perfect relationship until she had to go and ruin it all. What a pity it was, really. She was perfect, that's why I couldn't let her leave.   

"No different than it did yesterday when you asked." I scoffed slightly; the guard’s humor was trivial at best. He asked the same question every day and everyday he got the same answer. What was the point?  

"What about Anna not coming to visit you?"  

The name struck a chord with me. Lovely Anna, my most beautiful wife yet, the one that took Kelly's betrayal off my mind and healed my heart for the first time in years. Anna was so wonderful, perfect even, but then she fell in love with my bastard of a son. He ruined everything. I could have had Anna all to myself if I had just killed him when I had the chance, but Kelly would have left me for sure if I didn't take him.

Garrett was the perfect fit for her misery. After the loss of our child during birth, she needed a baby. She needed something to take care of, but when he grew up, she fought. I couldn't have that; I should have killed him while I was at it. Then Anna and I could be living together still, the perfect marriage. Both so happy in the relationship, willing to please the other and living peacefully.  

"Anna will come." I said confidently, lifting the plastic spoon to my mouth, seeing as how I wasn't allowed to have a fork.  

"What, didn't anyone tell you? She moved. Anna Cowles packed up, and left. She's not coming to see you. By now she's probably married Garrett and taken his last name, I can't tell you it, just in case, but it's so generic that she could be anyone. For all we know she could have changed her first name too. She isn't coming." The guard said with a chuckle as his footsteps slowly echoed off into the distance.  

The spoon dropped out of my hand and clanked loudly on the plate. The guard laughed as he got the reaction that he wanted. He left as another guard came to my cell and brought a visitor with him. This guard was polite and even though he may not agree with my views, he always treated me with respect as well as the other prisoners.

"That is why you work to have the perfect family. They will never leave you, never betray you and always listen." I said to the dark figure that had been escorted to my cell by the guard. I pushed the plate away from me, my appetite suddenly gone because of the news the previous guard had told me.

"When Kelly attempted to leave, it drove me mad. We had the perfect relationship and she was going to ruin it. Everyone was jealous of what we had, a high school sweetheart love that just never ended. Then when we lost the child she couldn't even stand to look at me anymore."

"When she tried to leave it shattered the world we had created together. We were actually happy, it wasn't forced on her. She chose to be with me, but when she chose to leave I couldn't handle that. I locked her in the house with Garrett as a child, but when he grew up she realized just how trapped she was and fought back."

"It should have taught me that there shouldn't be other people allowed in the house. No one else until the person has fully accepted their fate. Kelly didn't, and when she chose to fight, she lost. I was devastated and took those girls in to fill the void, but they fought and couldn't be released."

"The chase was made by accident. Kelly escaped and I tracked her down so that I could keep her with me forever. It was enjoyable and thrilling. The fear of getting caught was exhilarating, but I never was. At least until Anna came along. She was too determined to escape, and she had too much to fight for. Then I made the mistake of bringing in another person to make her happy, the same mistake I made with Kelly. I thought she had accepted her fate, but it just gave her more to fight for."  

A soft sigh escaped my lips before I began speaking again. "Those girls were never meant to be found, they sealed my fate and now I will be dead to join them in the afterlife. All I can say is that I hope you learn from my mistakes and make few of your own."  

There was a long pause, "And remember never let anyone take your family away from you. By whatever means necessary, never let them take away your family!" I watched as the dark figure of a man stood before me, he didn't say anything, never did, but I knew who he was. He had been coming to me for the last three years, on the same day and just listened to me talk. He was my apprentice and would do wonders for my legacy.

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