Chapter One

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My alarm shrieked at me, reminding me it was a new day. I groaned, that was both good and bad. Pressing dismiss, I pulled my covers off, shivering. After crawling out of bed I quickly dressed, my Kodaline band shirt, black skinny jeans, and orange Converse. I took a glance at my tail and collar hidden in my closet but decided against wearing them, heading into the bathroom instead. Finishing re-straightening my hair and brushing my teeth, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and ran down the stairs. I made a sandwich and went outside, shutting the door behind me. It opened again, however, and my brother popped out. "Mind if I join you?" I pursed my lips and glared, "No." He pretend pouted and chimed like a child, "You're meeeaaannnn." I laughed at my older sibling and we started on our way.
   I watched my breath fog and swirl in abstract patterns in front of my face when I started to hear the sounds of my school. Sighing, I continued silently until we were climbing the stairs of the school. "Yo! Where's your car, man?" Came my brother's best friend, Ethan's, voice. "Decided to walk today, dude!" Dakota called back. "Woah, ho! HO! Are we all of a sudden fit now?" I chuckled and muttered, "Bye, Koda." Before entering the large school. A group of freshmen stood by the stuffed cougar in the lobby and I puffed out my cheeks. I don't know who could kill an animal and do that to it. As I continued to the science hall I saw a familiar pair of green eyes and yipped. "Hey, Marley!" Charlie said with a smile, "I have to go, but I'll see you in second." I nodded and walked into my classroom. We had ten minutes still so I plugged in my ear buds.
   The classroom filled and Mr.Green walked in. I paused my music and put my phone away. "I need you all the get out a piece of paper." He gave us a minute to do so and continued, "'What do we need this for?' You may ask. Well! We will be st-" The door creaked open and in came my desk partner, Isaac. He rushed to his seat and I chuckled softly. "Will there be a day you won't be late, Perry?" Isaac seemed to be in deep thought before slowly saying, "Possibly..." Mr.Grant laughed, "As I was saying, Mr.Perry, we are starting our finals project!" A few kids groaned and I laughed lightly. "You will need to come up with an idea to solve a country or world wide problem. You can have a debate, give me a detailed description of your idea, or create a model of an invention to fix the problem." He passed out papers-just guidelines and idea for the project- before quickly adding, "Find a partner, sit by them, and get brainstorming." The class immediately started to scramble around when I heard "I call Isaac!" From across the room. Isaac   looked to me pleadingly and I sighed, "We'll be partners, then?" He nodded and smiled when Lilly came over. "I already have a partner, sorry, Lilly." Lilly turned to me and then back to Isaac, "You don't want to be partners with a mutt do you?" Isaac looked to me with worry in his eyes, "Don't call me that." I muttered. "What's that?" Lilly asked, though she obviously heard me. "Don't. Call me that, Lillian." She rolled her eyes, "Dogs don't talk." I huffed and looked away when Mr.Grant clapped his hands, "Lilly! Ask someone else if Isaac already has a partner." She turned and sat by her "friend" Jessy. She treated her like crap. I looked up to Isaac, "So why does she like you so much?" He shook his head, his bronze hair falling into his green-blue eyes, "I don't know." He chuckled so I smiled back. We were unlikely friends. "Anyways! Idea's?" We decided on figuring out a way to grow crops well throughout every season in mass quantities when the bell rang.
   I hopped up and packed my binder away, heading to art. I slowed my pace as I saw Charlie and we walked to class together. When we got in there the first thing I noticed was a glaring Lilly. Pretending not to see, I sat at our usual back corner table when the teacher walked in. "Today, my favorite period two," Mr.Nicoles started, "We will be working on surreal art. This is an unlikely scenario or thing made to look realistic. You have the full period, music allowed." After taking my headphones from my backpack I started brainstorming. I turned Pandora on to Of Monsters and Men radio when I heard someone fake cough. I looked up to see Lilly's brown eyes locked on me. "Why are you and Isaac partners?" I sighed and replied, "We had already brainstormed our idea. That's all, thank you." She rolled her eyes before talking again, "You know he doesn't like you right?" A huff escaped me but before I started talking Charlie interrupted, "Not everyone likes you either, Lilly." She opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again, "No one asked you, emo." "I'm not emo." He replied before plugging into his music.

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