Time to talk

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((Karkat POV))
That ass hole worm sucker won't stop touching kankri! It's getting annoying! And yes like the stalker I am I decided to follow them and yes crounus the entire time is trying  to put his hand around kankri's waist and hold kankri's hand and even touch him other places!


---(time skip)---

A few hours later and they're  finally on their way back home the entire time my mate (AND YES I SAID MY MATE YOU PEOPLE NEED TO STOP BEING SO SURPRISED) seemed to be uncomfortable I run across the street to watch they're talking more, kankri obviously trying to get rid of him but he leans in and OH FUCK NO!

Before I could control my self I run up throwing crounus back forcefully he stumbles down the steps and falls to the ground I walk up to him grabbing the greaser by the shirt and I punch him with all my force and I drop him again shaking my the pain away from my hand but it doesn't work

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING KISSING MY BOYFRIEND?!!" crounus looks up at me surprised kankri covering his mouth pulling on my sweater "please don't hurt him anymore Karkat I inderstand how you must feel but there's no need for this..." I look back and I sigh then I look back at crounus which is now on his feet

"take a chill pill chef and kankri is obviously a girl now, that has a smoking hot bo-" I punch him with my other hand making his nose crack and bleed I hold my hand "FUCK OW!" "Get this strait fishdick just because someone might be a certain gender doesn't mean you can't use their preferred pronouns! Second I don't want you talkin about my boyfriend like that or I'll FUCKING KILL YOU"

crounus just scoffs and mutters curse words under his breath while checking his nose and walks away holding it kankri hugs me "Karkat I don't know how I could explain-" I smile and I put my hands on his holding them and I kiss his cheek "no it's fine, I just hope he learned his lesson" kankri sighs with relief and smiles

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