Beginning of life

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Kiba was looking at his newborn pups looking at his mate he lick her face. "There beautiful" he said. His mate smiled at him than look down at her pups. "We should name them" she suggested. Kiba nodded. A really white pup with grey tips on her ears was sniffing around. "This one looks like a star lets name her Hoshi" she suggested. Kiba wag his tail a little and nodded in agreement. A big white male pup had climb over one of his sisters. "This wolf is big and strong lets name him Taiki"she said. Kiba nodded at the name and look at his son "He is Strong like his dad" he said smiling. A pure white she pup was trying to walk to Kiba, she stop once she felt his paws, there pelts match. "Looks like that one is going to be a daddy's girl" Kiba's mate joke. Kiba laugh. "She looks just like a Pearl lets name her Shinju" he suggested. Kiba mate nodded, than Kiba pick up Shinju up carefully, Shinju made a big loud not happy Sound. Kiba ears perk up and his eyes wide. "I think she does not want to leave your paws" his mate said laughing a little. Kiba Smiled and drop Shinju at his mates belly. "You need to eat little one grow big and strong" he said to her. 

 Weeks have passed since Kiba and his mate's pups had been born and they where old enough to walk each of them had there eyes open. Hoshi had Yellow eyes as well as Taiki, Shinju got purple eyes. Both Hoshi and Taiki where starting to cough and get weak they where no longer strong enough to play with there sister so Shinju who seemed very strong and growing more strong played with snowflakes. "This is what I feared Kiba my family's sickness has come again Hoshi and Taiki have the same sickness that my mom had before she passed, it kills wolves in as little as a week" she said her eyes looking at her sick pups. Kiba look at her than at Shinju. "Looks like Shinju did not catch it" he said. Shinju's mom look at her. "She must be the strong pup its rare but there is one pup that can survive it they will never get it even if there siblings did and have passed. Kiba look at his other Daughter and his son. "Ill go hunt and get them to eat you stay here" he said than walk off. Shinju stop playing with the snowflakes that where falling to watch her dad. "Dad can I help you hunt?" she asked. Kiba smiled. "Im sorry little one but your too young but one day ill take you to hunt" he promised. Kiba had hunted and brought back tons of little prey for them, the pups where still drinking milk. Kiba made sure that Shinju drank from a different nibble that her siblings did so she would not get sick.

Days went by and Hoshi had stop eating for a couple days now you could see her ribs showing and all her bones look like they would poke out of her pelt any day now, all she did was lay by her mothers side and rest, Taiki was starting to slow more down on eating, as well as his musals where almost gone. Shinju was different she still had not caught that sickness and was well feed as well as had tons of energy. Shinju went into a crouch passion and attack her fathers fluffy white tail. Kiba look at her his yellow eyes looking unto her purple eyes. "Calm down little one its time to settle down for the night" he said laying down and licking her. Shinju Started to yawn and curled up next to her Fathers thick white pelt. Kiba layed down his head and closed his eyes. The next morning came and Kiba got woken up by a loud cry, He lifted up his head and turned it to his mate who had tears coming down to her muzzle. Shinju woke up and jump to her paws, she walk to her mother and titled her head, she look at her sister who was not moving her belly was not moving. She came to her and touch her sister who had no warmth anymore. "Mom whats wrong with Hoshi, she is cold and is not moving?" she asked. Kiba eyes where wide as he look at his other Daughter than at his mate who had her eyes filled with more tears. "Shes gone Shinju the stars have her now" he said. Kiba came to toch his dead Daughters pelt. "May you shine brightly my little girl your name means star show us that you are more true to it then your pelt" he says. Kiba looks at his mate and licks her face. "Be happy my love she is in no more pain she will watch over us" he said. Shinju Watch her mom and dad than look at her brother who had woken from all the commutation. Kiba pick up Hoshi body and carried her somewhere where the crows would not get to her, he burred her in the herd earth than removed it with earth and snow. 

Days have passed since the death of Hoshi and couple days after that Taiki had joined his sister, now it was just Shinju who was alive and she still had no signs of getting the sickness. She had grown big and strong and her pelt had gotten more thick just like her dads pelt. The day was really windy and the sky kept on being split by a bolt of lighting each heartbeat. Shinju hide each time it boomed under her moms pelt. The family had have to move to a different den because they where afraid of Shinju getting the sickness that had killed her two siblings. This den had a river near by and the Winter days was behind them the spring had melted all the snow and the river was now almost overflowed, now that this storm has come it would not be a surprise if it did overflow its banks. And that is what happened the den became flooded and the three wolves tried to hole on to each other. "Hang on hon we can get throw this" Kiba said under a mouthful of fur. Shinju had closed her eyes she was too scared to see what was going on, her father had grab her so she would not be swept away. A big wave came and all three wolves broke from one another. Shinju tried to keep her sights on her dad and mom. "Mom, Dad!" she yelled. "Shinju!" her fathers voice called. she saw only her father who was trying to reach her but before he could another wave came and took Shinju far away. Days passed and Shinju had reach to a bank her fur shock with water, she layed there waiting for anything to happened to her. Questions came in her mind "well i ever see my parents again or die here and join my siblings?" she asked herself. 


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