Chapter Two: Jeff and Jane

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   The man got closer to me and my heart rate raised with every step. Four feet. Three feet. The twigs beneath his feet crack louder then before. Two feet. Black tentacles appear from behind his back.  One foot away and he stops. I know who this man is. Slenderman.

   There were legends of him. The one of where the two girls stabbed their friend in the woods to prove their worth. The hiker who got killed by him. Am I next? I don't want to die now. I really don't. 

   One of Slenderman's tentacles stroked my face, then wrapped around my neck. They don't appear smooth and cold when you look at them, they look slimy, but his tentacles were cold to the touch and chilled me down to the bone, numbing me. Smooth suction cups outlined the circumference of my neck sucking on the skin and wrapping tighter around me. I can't hardly breathe now so I'm wheezing, trying to rip the tentacles away from my throat. "It's no use." I think to myself. "I'm going to die here anyway." I let go of him and let him choke me, I give up. My arm hurts anyway. My vision starts to blur and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

   The last thing I will ever see is his cold face.

   "Hey Slendy!" I hear a woman call out, her voice firm but rusty. He drops me and I fall to the ground gasping for air. In the corner of my eye I see his cold, nerve wreaking tentacles sneak back behind him. My vision is slowly coming back. I taste dirt and dead grass in my mouth, the texture is rough and bumpy so I spit it out onto the ground. It takes a few tries but most of it comes out. My injured arm is straight in front of me and it's bleeding again. Shit. "Leave him alone. Go back to the damn forest and leave us in peace!" she yelled.

   To my surprise, he slowly backed up and disappeared back into the mist. She ran up to me and leaned over my half conscious body. "Fuck Slendy! Why do you have to run around our place?" she mumbled under her breath as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "You there?" she said. Her voice was nice. I loved the sound of it. She could talk to me for hours about some bullshit and I wouldn't care. "Hello?" my vision started to un-blur and her face became clear. She was beautiful. Long black hair, fit body and soft lips which were covered in black lipstick. Pits of black replaced her eyes. "Ahh, there you go!" she said then grabbed my hand to pull me onto my feet. "I thought you might have died, Jeff would have been pissed!"

   I got to my feet and I felt dizzy and I would have fell onto the ground if she hadn't caught me. "Sorry." I say. "I need to sit."

   "There's no time for that right now." she says. I have to get you to Jeff now or we're both going to end up dead. She smiles a little and leads me toward a door leading me into the house. "I'm Jane by the way. Jane the Killer."

   "The Killer" sat in my head, was everyone killers here? Will they force me to kill too? I don't like the sound of that. I clench my teeth and walk through a old wood door. The house really was old, moss and vegetation from the forest grew in through the windows and floors and dust floated around making me choke and cough. My throat was still hurting from the tentacles of Slenderman, an image ran through my head and I shivered.

   Jane led me down long hallways and short ones occasionally cutting through rooms. Some rooms dark, others lighted up by the sun above through holes in the ceiling. We stopped at huge double doors, with my own estimates of ten feet tall. They looked newer and restores compared to the rest of the house. Slick black paint covered the designs of demons and angels carved into the doors, they looked as if they were battling. "We're here." Jane said and knocked on the door. They opened with loud, deep creaks and revealed a library with a long path down the middle.

   "You're here." said a deep voice with the same rust as Jane's. "I'm glad to introduce myself." Jane and I started down the hallway and I now noticed a figure standing at the end of it facing away from us. His black hair popped out against the white hoodie he had on and I noticed dark stains on the sides of it. He wore black dress pants and shoes which looked dirty from mud, or something else dark. Like the stains on the hoodie. He shoved something in his pocket before turning around to face us. My eyes widened at the sight of his face. White skin and two gashes splitting his cheeks open to form a smile. Black rings circled his eyes making them look small. I now identified the dark stains as blood stains. "I'm Jeffery." he says. "You can call me Jeff."


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