Scary Films and Waltzes

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Fred: So Clara, I hope you noticed how many dares we have to do now? (*shows me the screen*)

Me: Yeah. I do. (*shrugs and leans back against chair*) Oh my GOD my exam this morning was SO stressful! I don't WANT to see it again!

Kristoff: Was it really that bad?

Me: (*nods and almost cries*)

Tadashi: Aw, it won't be. (*hugs me*) I know you at least put some effort into it, right? And all we can do now is hope.

Me: (*nods*) I suppose. 

Rapunzel: Okay, clarify this with me. We have dares from unicorn_cupcakes679DisnerdFangirlDenkaiZatsuzenSeraphina01, and pepsipop91402 right? Plus a question from Adsila. 

Anna: Yeah! So let's get to the question first, and then we'll do Adsila and Sera's dares. The rest of them, we'll leave till later.

Hiro: That sounds like a good plan. (*nods*) Fred, what's the question from Adsila?

Fred: Let's see. (*looks at the screen*) Oh okay. So it's a question for Cladashi.

Me and Tadashi: (*perk up at the same time*) What?

Fred: you two have nicknames for each other?

Me: (*glances at Tadashi*) Uh, does it count if I call him bro a lot of the time? Though I think that would sound a bit wrong, but I don't know why I call him that! I mean, it's easy to turn to Tadashi and just say "hey bro", but if you want something more...uh...cute...or unique...I don't know. (*shrugs*)

Tadashi: I don't have a nickname for you yet either, Clara. Nothing to feel bad about.

Elsa: Wait, what's going on? 

Tadashi: We need to have nicknames for each other. Me and Clara, really.

Me: (*bites lip*) I really am bad with coming up with names. I'll admit it. Uh...

Tadashi: I have the perfect one for you, Clara. (*grins*) Mockingjay.

Me: Mockingjay? Why?

Tadashi: Cause when you sing, everyone stops to listen. You have a good voice, honestly, and though it's not in the "copy other people" way it's still something worth listening to. And you got a kind of fire and determination too. Like Katniss.

Me: Did Rapunzel lend you the trilogy by any chance? (*smirks at Rapunzel*)

Rapunzel: Yeah, I lent it to him. He was interested in it, for some reason!

Eugene: Maybe because of Clara's recent success with her Peeta X Reader novel? "Never Yours"?

Honey Lemon: I LOVED THAT BOOK SO MUCH!!!! (*squeals*)

Me: (*giggles*) Mockingjay. I love that, actually. (*smiles at Tadashi*) And allow me to call you...uh...

Tadashi: Seriously, Clara, it's okay. I'm okay with bro.

Me: BUT IT HAS TO BE SPECIAL!! Not something just used in passing! Uh...

Anna: OH OH OH! I got a good one! How about Robonerd?

Me: Kinda weird. (*shakes head*) Something that needs to give a better ring!

Fred: Dang it! I should be good at this! We barely use names at SFIT for him! Unless someone calls him Dashi...

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