9~ Our First Hangout

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Mika and I only hung out ONCE ever since I saw him. ONLY ONE TIME. And let me tell you, it didn't go as planned. Mika and I planned on having a nice lunch at a restaurant. Nothing fancy at all, just a plain boring restaurant. A place where friends go to you can say.

And guess who had to join?! Oh you guessed it, FAITH! Suprisingly Mika tried to convince Faith to stay, but it didn't go out very well.

"Why Mika?! Why do you want me to stay?! Is it because you're cheating on me?! Mika! You're cheating on me?!" She yelled while crying fake tears.

I stood away as they fought. It was kinda entertaining because I was hoping she'll just leave him. But no, that didn't happen.

"No Faith, of course not!" Mika grabbed her shoulders and spoke to her calmly, the way he talked to me when he spoke the truth when I was out of control, as Mika would say. "Like I told you, Eli and I are only hanging out. Nothing else!"

"I don't believe it. I coming with you." Faith grabbed her coat and stood by the door waiting for us to come. There was no way of stopping her.

"Okay fine.. You can come, is that okay Eli?"

"Oh yeah, that's fine.." I lied. That was not fine at all. This was Mika and I's day. Not 'let's have Faith join!' day. I'm not going to be a third wheel, damnit.

Well it looks like I spoke way to soon, throughout our hangout Faith was all over Mika. I sat there in disgust. How dare she act like this was okay.

"I should really get going." I said standing up from my seat and grabbing my things. "I'll see you later Mika." I zipped up my jacket.

"Oh yeah, bye Eli, I'll see you later."

Hah later, there isn't going to be a later with that bitch hanging around with us. I quickly left the restaurant and headed home. I went to the curb and stood by it to grab a taxi, then I stopped.

This is where Mika surprised me. This is where I got the extra food to give him when came over. This is where he hugged me..

A car horn honked at me. "Are you getting in or what?!" A old grumpy man that was driving the taxi yelled at me.

"N-no, I'll walk." I quickly walked away and went to walk to my house.

If only this day could get any worse. I kept thinking as I got home.

But suprisngly something good happened. I actually got a text from Mika!

His text read, "hey listen, I'm so sorry about today, how about we make it up tomorrow? Faith won't be there, I promise."

I smiled as I read the text. I quickly replied with, "that sounds great. I'll see you then."

Tomorrow, hopefully, was going to be a great day.

It's short, sorry

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