Chapter 10

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I clutched "my" new child. She was beautiful, as I looked at her pale face and light brown hair my eyes welled up with tears. I don't want to put her through through this. But if I give her back to Julie, she will get killed. I couldn't do that to a precious baby like her.

"So what are you gonna name that... Umm... Thing?" He asked earning him a scoff.

"Um. Good question, you know I have always liked the name Jackie. Or Brandi!"

"No your not gonna name that thing one of those names!"

I scoffed, "since when do you care? And you aren't the mother it's me!" I rolled my eyes

"Whatever just figure out a dang name for it."

"Also please don't call my baby an 'It' " I said sassily

"I can do whatever I want to do young lady! I am your father!"

"Your not my father! My father died eight years ago!"

"So that's what your mom told you?" He questioned "Ha! I always knew she lied about everything!"

What?! Wait I can't believe this man! He kidnapped me! Why would I believe him! He is probably just lying...

We pulled up into the parking lot of Baby Clothing And Toys Store and I got out of the car with my baby. It was kinda weird referring to her as my baby. I have always imagined to be a mom, but never in one-million years would I have thought it would've happened this way.

We walked into the warm store, escaping from the windy -24 degree weather. Stinging our bare skin. You know like when you just got done playing in the snow and you hands are wet and cold, so you were dumb enough to run them under boiling hot water? Yeah that's how it felt.

"Get whatever you will need for the next five years, your budget is $5,500." He told me, quiet enough so that no one around us could hear.

I gasped and commented back, "$5,500 ?! Are you rich?!"

"I'm not only good at kidnapping you know." He said making HIM, not me, chuckle, I shook my head, rolled my eyes, and walked off. Idiot.

"Hmm... What do we want here baby Jackie?"  I said. She immediately looked up, which I thought that was cute since she didn't even know that was her name. Well I guess she likes it so I have decided that, that will be her name!

I got a whole bunch of stuff, I wanted to spend as much money of his as I could.. I got a couple of strollers, a booster seat, two cribs, 18 sets of baby clothes, 12 pairs of shoes, 7 pairs of socks, some little hats for her, 3 jackets that matched her outfits, 6 dresses, some baby toys, then I got her all that again but toddler versions, then finnally I got her a toddler bed that came with a mattress and bedspreads. Oh! And I got her a lot of baby food and some milk.

We got to the cashier and our total was $3,879.99. Yay! I spent a lot of his money! We got in the car and started heading back to the house.

"So back to the father thing," he said, "I can tell you don't believe me, soo, I will show you when we get back to the house."


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I have been focusing on my new story: Surviving The Titanic! Please go read that! So far I think it's awesome! Also sorry for a short and lame chapter... I'm rlly tired and stressed! At school we have finals this week and I haven't had the time to write and stuff! Also I stayed up till 1 a.m. Last night on a school night and I'm tired! Anyways, happy Friday! And I hope ya'll all have a Merry Christmas, or whatever else you celebrate!!! And last but not least as always please: VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE!
                 Breana <3

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