Loving a Stranger

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After all the confusion Stephanie forgave Tim....or did she

But it was happening all over again except it's the other way around

Tim was texting Stephanie and she didn't sound like herself

Tim:how about we go out to the movies

Stephanie:sorry but I'm sick maybe another time

Tim:okay get better love you

Stephanie :bye Tim

Tim put down the phone and decided. To go for a walk....the he saw Stephanie with some other dude then she finally noticed him.

Stephanie:*smirks*oh hey timmy

Tim:Stephanie I though you said you were sick

Stephanie :well people can lie...like you lied to me when you cheated on me with Connor

Tim:is this is what it's all about...Stephanie, I thought you forgot all about that

Stephanie:well I didn't I'm dating....what's your name again.

Random Dude:Bob

Stephanie :well I'm dating Bob now

Bob:actually I'm breaking up with you

Stephanie :why...I love you Bobby

Bob:you basically used me....bye Stephanie

Bob left a mad Stephanie and a smirking Tim and Stephanie stormed off

Tim just left and was still laughing

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