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[beauty can be anything, it can even be someone they don't even know]

niall pov:

"niall, are you ready yet!" my mother yells from downstairs as i try to take a cute ass selfie to post on instagram. when i look at it the image is slightly blurred,

"for fucks sake.." i whisper to myself and redo the pose, finally getting it right. i giggle to myself packing my bag and skipping my way out.

"i'm ready mumma!" i say coming down the stairs, with a great caption in mind for my picture. quickly typing it in, and posting it.

"c'mon angel, can't be late." my mother speaks and i roll my eyes with a smile, "it's only the first day!"

she then turns around with a smile, "that's what keeps us at best." i know it was a sarcastic remark but she's right. i always keep up my work, striving for the best.

finally reaching the school she scolds me for wearing a skirt without leggings due to it rising and showing too much skin. i give her a slight pout and saying a small apology.

walking in i see a few students laying around the halls, probably freshman on the first day, and walk with my mother to her office near the girl's volleyball locker room. i sit in the comfy chair and check instagram, seeing i've gotten over twenty likes.

i smile and show my mother. she compliments me while i giggle, "thank you for the great looks," i joke.

a knock on the door disturbs our silence and i look up to see the assistant coach, mr. gurulé. he's an old man [49 years old] with a really nice wife that occasionally brings home cooked sweets for us.

he scares me sometimes too.

i look back at my phone and see a message from harry.

- are you at school yet?

i reply, and tell him to meet me by the small cafe in our tech center. when i get there i decide to buy a chocolate chip muffin and wait for him.

i feel someone watching me and when i turn around i see harry trying to scare me. "damnit niall!" he groans and i laugh.

"not today styles." he gives me a dimpled smile. "one day horan."

when the first school day is over i go towards the gym and see my mom still coaching the volleyball girls.

they started training way back in the middle of july. i don't get why someone would want to waste summer vacation over a sport. that's just me though, so i really don't care as long as i'm okay.

when she sees me she blows her whistle and i watch them all fall against the wall, i giggle behind my hand. they were probably getting punishment, and of course my mother would do wall sits.

she dismisses them and gathers her stuff then we leave to go home. when we exit i see my father's car and squeal. he mentioned about bringing my favorite food because it was a special night.

when i enter i throw my bag near the couch and go towards the kitchen, looking for my father and the food.

"did you bring the.." my breath is caught as i see another man conversing with my father.

he turned around and i felt my face flush, i quickly mumble an apology and duck my head. hiding my flushed cheeks, going towards the stairs.


alright! time to meet the man of my dreams!

Q: have you been to OT5 concert?
A: nope :(

-jas x

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