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I am a Kalonian. An inhabitant of Kalonia a planet as big as the Milky Way's Sun. Yes, I am indeed an "alien", as humans would say.  

Kalonia was destroyed 17 years ago. It's purple Sun, being as close as the Moon is to Earth, went supernova and the blast radius wiped out half of the planet, the other half froze to death. As dead as Kalonia was, it's core was unstable, the supernova made it even more unstable causing the planet to rapture into splinters.  

How I know this?  

I was 7 years of age (Earthwise) and I was in a pod sent to travel as long as it would take to find a planet I could live in. Dozens of other kids were evacuated into pods and sent off Kalonia before the planet raptured. Some pods never made it off of Kalonia.  

I remember vaguely, the blackness of space. The pod ships thousands and thousands of miles away from the dead planet. Then, the scenery suddenly changed. I was no longer in the Karuvianzyrg galaxy. I was orbiting Earth...

The small screen on my pod began to produce Kalonian words. Stating that Earth was habitable for Kalonians although it would take a while for adjustment. Earth's atmosphere was much less dense as Kalonia's.  

I recall my pod landing safely in the forest, then me getting out. Then I began suffocating. Struggling for breath. I fainted. 

Hours later, it was night time. In my sleep, my body had readjusted automatically to Earth's atmosphere. 

It was cold, not like Kalonia's temperature.  

My pod and it's technology was the only thing that could possible help me survive on this planet.  

As it turned out, Earth's technology was eons away from Kalonia's. the pod produced papers for me. A false birth certificate, a false passport and citizenship and a false name. Erix Von Hossen.  

When it had produced everything else I needed like clothes and money, it began to glow before it transferred it's knowledge of Earth to me. 

I knew what I had to do. To stay alive and to blend in with the humans. It was so clear to me that I could start straight away. But I also knew these things take time. I had time.

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