Chapter 15

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I felt the tear stream down my cold face and felt the pit of despair growing in my stomach as we drew further and further away from what sounded like civilization. I was terrified and I couldn't think straight. All I could think was that no one knows that I'm gone. Matt could be dead, my mom was away, I figured no one was looking for me. I desperately wished I had my phone so that someone could track it down. People literally had no way to find me. I couldn't control the tears anymore. I started out strong and rebellious and now I just felt weak and vulnerable. We had stopped a few times along the way for something, I don't know what, but I didn't dare try to take a look. I was still taped to the floor and I knew I could break out of the tape but I was petrified of moving even a tiny bit. I had tried once more to get out of the van, but the kidnapper saw me and beat me...hard. That was the beating that took my courage.

I suddenly heard the car come to a stop. I heard the heavy clunk of boots and suddenly saw light flow into the back of the van. Someone had opened the doors. I couldn't even fathom the feeling of complete and utter despair as I saw the face of the kidnapper lingering over me.

"See? I knew you could be a good girl Maddie. We're here. Get up." He said firmly.

As he reached down a hand I began to panic at the thought that he might hurt me again. I tried to let the tension in my muscles go as I realized he was only taking off the tape holding me down. He grabbed my arm and I winced, for that was the spot I was hit and I knew some damage had been done. He hauled me out of the car and as soon as I tried to stand I collapsed. My legs wouldn't function, I didn't know what was happening to me but the world began spinning and I felt sick and disoriented. I couldn't perceive any orders I was getting and the whole world felt unreal. I suddenly felt a lifting feeling and realized that the kidnapper picked me up, placed me on his back, and began to give me a piggy back ride to whatever torture chamber we must be headed to. It was if I was trapped in a box filled with the worst nightmares anyone could ever have. It felt like the nightmares were bouncing off the walls and back at me, never leaving me alone, almost teasing me in a way. I saw a run down shack in the distance through my blurry vision and squeezed my eyes shut to try to wake up from the nightmare I was living. When I opened my eyes all I wanted to see was my nice cozy bedroom, but it felt like I awoke in hell. The kidnapper dropped me into the hard concrete and I heard my body slam against it. I clutched my head in my hands to try and stop the migraine that was making my head feel like it was being sliced in two. I tried to stand when I heard a fierce yell from the kidnapper that told me that I better stand up. I pushed my body to what felt like it's breaking point, saw the world spin, and fell to the ground vomiting. All I heard in the background was the malicious laugh of the demon hovering over me, watching my suffering. He kicked me into the small, claustrophobic shack, shut the door, and left me to suffer. It was pitch black and through my feeble attempt to make myself more comfortable, I gathered up some hay that was covering the floor and made a pile in the corner so I could lay down on something soft. I tried to calm myself but I couldn't keep my mind from wandering to the horrifying thought: what was he going to do next?

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