14. Bae's Girl

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I joke, I joke... I will be staying at home watching movies like a loser :D

Bae’s Girl


I ignored the voice teasingly whispering my name, a smirk clearly on the owner’s face.


Yet again, I didn’t move my head up, but nestled my face further into where it was rested on my arms. I lay on a towel on my front lawn, wearing nothing but a bikini to catch the sun, though God knows I had never had a tan in my life because my skin was so pale. Still, it felt nice on my skin. Almost as nice as the feeling of Bae’s thighs, thick with muscle, straddling either side of my much slimmer ones. I felt him lean down slightly to massage my back, nearly emitting a moan from my lips, but I couldn’t help the gasp of surprise I made when his hand connected to my backside with a loud thwack!

This time, I did turn around from under his body, though still laid down as I looked up at him. The sun shone down on his black, messy curls but it was nothing in comparison to the grin that lit his face or the extremely light brown of his eyes. They always reminded me of melted chocolate, so mesmerising.

“Bae,” I said coolly as a way of greeting, tucking my arms behind my head like all was calm. “What brings you round to this neck of the woods?”

He chuckled at my expense. “You’re really weird, you know that?”

“Why, thank you, kind sir!” I pushed myself onto my elbows so I could lightly nudge his arm, only making him roll his eyes. He really was beautiful, and yet so manly at the same time. A deadly combination.

He helped him onto my feet, but we still stayed close together, my hand shielding my eyes from the sun so I could look up at him. In just my skimpy bikini, I felt bare next to Bae, who wore a jeans and t-shirt, so when he demanded a hug I stepped into his warmth all too willingly. Immediately, I felt wrapped his presence as he arms embraced my much tinier form (which was a whole foot and three inches smaller than his, a bored summer afternoon had calculated.)

“How was Brazil?” I asked, and then squeaked in surprise when he lifted me to carry me in his arms, my legs interlocking at his hips. “Whoa! Why’re you carrying me?”

“Because I want to,” he answered simply, but I didn’t pry further. Having my body so close to his, it felt... nice. Nicer than it should have. “And Brazil was okay, I guess. My family fought a lot and my grandmother kept offering me her engagement ring to give to you. Same stuff as usual.”

I giggled, though on the inside my stomach disappeared at the thought of him actually giving me that ring. I’d seen it, and it was beautiful, so it was only a natural wondering to have, right? It didn’t mean anything. It was perfectly normal to envision my best friend getting down on one knee, holding out his grandmother’s gorgeous, opal ring and asking me to marry him. “You look very tanned,” I said, trying to ignore my thoughts. “It’s kinda’ unfair, y’know. You shouldn’t be able to just walk outside and come back in looking like a Greek God while I’m rubbing factor-sixty sun block on myself from head to toe.”

“You think I look like a Greek God, Kads?”

I growled at the smug look on his face, lightly tapping his cheek so that it was replaced by a smile. “Y’know, I missed you while you were away, but now you’re here I have no idea why,” I sighed, exasperation clear in my tone.

Bae just pressed a kiss to my forehead, and yet again I felt surprise at his affection. And, well, pleasure. But I didn’t really know what to think about either. “Oh, you know you love me,” he said as we came up his porch steps. After rummaging around in his pockets for his keys, he opened the door and set me down on my feet. The loss of contact made me slightly sad, but when I saw that he was retrieving some clothes from his suitcase, which was still at the foot of the stairs as though abandoned, I lightened up slightly. I didn’t really want to enter the kitchen, where I could hear people speaking, in just a bikini.

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