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Michael sat on the roof with his feet hanging carelessly over the edge, his tattered black and white converse fading into the city below. A gentle breeze swept his hair from his face, allowing for his line of sight to continue for miles.

He felt on top of the world. He felt fearless.

Everything was more peaceful in the clouds, the distant blaring of sirens and bustle of bodies on the streets seeming an infinity away. The comfort he gained from this was undeniable, his life finally without flaw as his problems dissipated into the mild summer air.

But Michael knew better than most that all good things must eventually come to an end. Upon hearing a soft creak emitted from the fire exit door behind him, he forced his head around and fixed his gaze on the only entrance to the roof.

Someone clearly wanted to join him.

Moments later, a young man came stumbling through, a little breathless and disorientated. He wore a three piece black suit, crumpled and dirty in a few places which detracted from his otherwise formal attire. His blond hair was scraped back and beads of sweat clung to his pale skin, hands trembling with nerves and anxiety.

He seemed not to notice Michael's presence straight away, leaning against the door and doubling over as though he might vomit. When he didn't, the man began to clutch at his chest, still having difficulty breathing but gradually calming down over time.

Once his demeanour had returned to what Michael could only assume to be normal, he looked out over the city and caught the eyes of the red haired teenager sitting calmly on the concrete ledge.

He laughed softly, surprising Michael. "There's a lot of things I'm willing to do for a stranger, but watching you die isn't one of them."

"I always sit here," Michael scoffed, not caring how apparent his arrogance was. This man didn't know him, didn't know what it was like to be him, and therefore had no right to assume anything. "You don't, so shut up."

"Of course," he chuckled, not even fazed in the slightest way by the teenager's attitude. "What's your name?"

"Michael. You?"

"I'm Luke," the man smiled, taking a small step towards the edge where the office structure met sky but then stopping abruptly. Suddenly apprehensive, he retreated back towards the door with his eyes glued to the ground.

Michael sensed it immediately. He sensed the fear radiating from his body. "Are you by any chance scared of heights?"

He smiled weakly, collapsing against the door. "Little bit."

"Then why exactly did you come to the roof of the tallest building in this city?" Michael asked, the words passing his lips a little more sarcastic than he had intended.

"I, uh, I had an interview," Luke stammered. "Needed to get out."

"What you need," Michael smirked as he climbed hastily down from the ledge, "is to learn to live a little."


A/n: short but sweet (hopefully)

Been wanting to post this for a little while so I hope you like the beginning! Chapters will be longer but I guess I'm not great at prologues, first one coming soon :)

Thank you xx

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