The Power of Six

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  • Dedicated to mybestfriend!ihopeyou'llhaveaccountonwattpad

The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore

I seriously had a bloody fight with my best friend just a while ago, and the reason? She’s not into - John or Number Four and Number Six – tandem. She’s kept on insisting it should be Sam and number Six. Like, duh?! I cannot even see or sense or feel the spark between them unlike of course John and Six. Well, she’s just too persistent I had to spank her to keep her mouth shut and agree with me but being the bitch-ass she is, she hit me back! And there started our sweet but bloody fight. Haha!

Seriously, I was like having the most peaked feeling when I was reading the novel especially on that part where John and the gang was actually busted by the police because of Sarah! I was really having the moment of my life cursing Sarah to Hells content. The heck with her disloyalty! John trusted her but then she has to turn him down. She’s really a bitch in my eyes that I was really thankful Six has to be there to make john like, forget about Sarah for a moment. Haha! I was really soooo ecstatic when one time; four cannot sleep thinking about six and decided to go out for a walk only to find out six cannot sleep as well. And then they went for a walk hand in hand to keep themselves from the piercing eyes of the Earth. It’s just so sweet! How I wish I could watch the movie.

Wooo~ you should grab your own original copy of this awesome book. You’ll surely get addicted to it.

Next in line: The Rise of Nine.

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