A broken mate Part 2

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I sighed and walked into the bedroom where my mate was only she wasn't where I left her

I looked around everywhere in the room,till my eyes landed on the bathroom I jiggled the

Knob trying to open the door but its locked

"Asia baby open the door"I said calmly but sternly

No answer

"Asia open the door!"I yelled a bit

Still no answer

"ASIA OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!!"I yelled as loudly as I could soon the knob moved a bit and I swung the door open

And there stood Asia she stood and didn't move as she stared blankly at me

"Asia"I whispered wondering if that's actually her she didn't say anything just stared at me for a moment I thought she was a statue

"Take me to see Darren"she whispered I was confused about who Darren was but I found myself nodding if that is what my mate wanted was to see some guy named Darren then I would definitely let her even though my wolf was getting possessive I knew if she was able to ask me that then that is what she needed

"Okay where is he?"I said and walked towards her holding her stiff body in my arms

"The blue moon p..pack"she stuttered and looked up at me,I lightly picked her up wrapping her legs around my waist holding her lightly as if she was about to brake

"I'll be back in. A couple days"i told my dad through the mind link

luckily I know where are the packs live so I knew where to go to find Darren I took Chase and Kayla because chase is a great fighter -if we ever get attacked on the way- and Kayla's friends with Asia

We were there in a bout an hour Asia was sleeping so when we got to the packs house I had to carry her (bridle style) the guards in the front of the house or mansion noticed Asia and let us in without hesitation

"Wow"Kayla whispered astonished that they let us in that easy when we made it In through the door a guy about our age was walking down the steps whistling when he noticed us he froze

"Asia"he whispered and bolted down the stairs not knowing what to do

"Oh god is she okay"he whispered and looked us all over

"I think you should sit down"Kayla said calmly and he sat down on the steps

"I'm Kayla this is my mate Chase and our future alpha and Asia's mate Logan"she smiled towards him chase possessively wrapped his Arm around her waist,when he didn't say anything Kayla continued

"When we were at school today Asia had a feeling something wasn't right then before we knew it she had shifted and bolted through the woods only to find out her parents were killed by rogues"he was completely frozen

"Anyways Asia wanted you"I whispered and brushed some hair out of her face

"the living rooms over there"he whispered and we all walked into the living room I didn't once let her go

"If you don't mind me asking who are you"Kayla asked what I was dieing to ask

"I'm her best friend Darren sorry"he said starring blankly at Asia

"It's good she has a great mate"he whispered probably thinking to himself

"Thanks"I thanked


Sorry for the REALLY long wait but I had exams so I couldn't publish any during classes

thanks for 2,204 reads guys and gals

Ill publish the next chapter as soon as I can :)

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