3. Locked

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His voice... His lips... His touch
The mask... The haunting eyes
'You are mine!'
Snapping out of my thoughts, I found myself on the floor... Again.
My eyes land on my instructor Mr.Alec who I might add, looked pissed as hell. With his arms crossed, making him look more inhuman than he already was.
"Get up you sad excuse for a fuck!"
Distasteful bastard! I'll have his fucking balls for that!
Getting on my feet, I glared daggers as I got into attack mode which only caused him to smirk in amusement.
"Now we're talking. Never let your emotions get in the way of your task Kathrina or else... You'll be dead in a heartbeat"
Alec makes the first move to engage with a punch but I counter it with my forearms to block him from hitting my face.
"Nice try, but always keep in mind that having only one place fully secured, you're open to potential damage like this"
He connects his right leg to my side, causing an impact that leaves me stumbling and unaware of his left knee hitting my ribs and then smacking me to the ground.
"Uurrgghh fuck" I groan in pain.
He hovers over me as I laid there on the floor before yelling, "Again!"
I get to my feet and engage him this time with a right knee kick but he forces it down with his hands and lowers himself to trip me with his leg before striking my stomach.
I roll up in a ball out of pain, but I get no sympathy from Alec. He just continued to bark commands at me over and over again.
We were at it for bloody nine hours!
"I don't know what the boss is thinking, wanting you to enroll at VXX Millions. When you can barely last ten minutes with me? Ha! You'll be dead before the orientation week is over" He says in an amused matter-of-fact tone, walking out of the training room to only God knows where.
I sigh to myself, thinking of the events that led to this...
Two days after I had healed, Jack summoned me to his office.
I was a bit flustered at first for some reason, but I just shoved the feelings down.
Getting into his office and closing the door, I was greeted by that damn mask again.
"Kitty... Come here" he said huskily. I gulped as I made my way into his arms.
Gripping my body so fiercely to his, his breath tickled my skin as his hands traveled down my spine, causing tingles and goosebumps. It felt so good.
I lowered my lips to meet his lightly at first for a tease as I drew away, but knowing what I had intended he smashes his lips to mine... Intense... Dominating... Need. It was all so good before he released my lips.
"I heard you're feeling better" he whispered huskily in my ear.
"Y-yes Jack" I stuttered
He released me before sitting on his desk and motioned for me to take a sit.
"Good then you don't mind starting training tomorrow in hand to hand combat", he explained as he shuffled through what I guessed as paper work.
I started to bite my lip nervously.
He breathed out a sigh, his jaw clenched.
His muscles flexed on in his black suit.
God this man is beautiful.
"I-I'm sorry, umm I-"
"From now on you'll be answering to Vanz, Alec and Wayne", he said cutting me off and gestured to my back.
I looked over and saw the three men, wondered if they've been there the whole time.
"Vanz is taking you on weapons and ammunition"
Vanz had dark brown eyes and bright brown hair well cut, he had a few ear piercings, but his body was slightly slender and a good build.
"Alec will be taking you on hand to hand combat"
Alec had short dark hair and bright green eyes, he was built like a fucking tank. He could break me like a twig.
"And finally Wayne, he'll be taking you on adaptation and escape technics"
Wayne had blue highlights in his dark hair and dull blue eyes with a scar across his nose, he was slender but a good sort I guess.
"Are you insane?" I asked softly without looking at Jack to see his reaction. The atmosphere turned sour and suffocating, my so-called-teachers left the room, leaving me with Jack.
"Do you have a problem with them Kitten?"
"No I do not"
"Fucking look at me when I'm talking to you Kitten"
I kept a stern neutral look on my face as our eyes met.
There's no turning back now.
"Dead or alive..."
"You... Jack"
He briefly nods in acknowledgement, "you need to understand... You're my fucking property! And what I say goes! Don't ever fucking question me! If I want you broken so be it! If I want you falling off a cliff... You will! And if I want you sucking another man's cock... You'll fucking damn well do it!"
I stiffened. Jack finally shows his true colors, all so calm and yet so menacing and sin in his tone. It wasn't some threat, his eyes said it all. I'm nothing to him, then it won't be so hard for him to let me go... No, I have to get away from here on my own... Escape, but I have to be smart about this.
"Yes... Jack"
"Come here"
Sitting on his lap, he caresses my face and nuzzles his nose to my neck, placing light kisses on my shoulder.
"We don't have to fight... You can make your stay with me so much easier if you just listen and obey without question Kitten", he whispered in my ear huskily,"You can live under my adoration and pleasure" he licks and nibbles on my neck, making me shiver and moan,"Or... Endure punishment and neglect" he held me down and bit my shoulder enough to cause a good amount of pain.
I close my eyes and endure, but I hadn't realized the tears had started to fall.
"Do you understand Kitten"
"Y-yes Jack" I sniff and wipe my tears as I race to the door to get away, but who was I kidding? I didn't even know where I was running to.
Jack didn't call me back and I don't know if I was being some naive teenage girl wishing for that 'Perfect Guy'... What's wrong with me?
Thoughts flowing in and out of my mind, I ran up the stairs and bumped into something like a wall, causing me to fall backwards but someone caught me.
I open my eyes and see Wayne, does blue eyes can see into my soul.
I hate it!
I hate him!
I hate everything!
He surprises me as he pulls me into a hug, "don't fight it... It'll only get worse. He's a bastard... Always have... Always will"
I tried, I really tried but I let it out, I let it all out. The tears just kept on coming. I couldn't remember the last time I cried in my entire life.

"I can see why he has no patience with you"
Cut out of my thoughts, Vanz hovering over me with a thin smile on his face.
"Mr. Alec? I'm pretty sure his been impatient since his first fuck. What else is new", I replied as I got off the floor to face him.
He has this glim in his eyes, "I like you already dearie. Play your cards right and you might actually make it out of my class alive".
Gesturing me to walk with him, he leads me outside to what looks like an abandoned warehouse at the furtherest part of Wing Estate.
It felt like I was walking from New York to Minnesota for fucks sake.
"Why are we walking? Don't you guys have some sort of transportation or something" I ask, trying to catch my breath as we get closer.
Vanz looks at me and smiles, "Hm you didn't say you wanted one dearie so I figured we walk"
Bastard! He didn't ask.
I kept my mouth shut till we got into the warehouse elevator, taking us to the last floor, I follow him out to a metal door I presumed was the 'other' training room, "You'll be training here with Wayne and I dearie".
I stiffened, not only from the thought of training here with Wayne, but what was on the other side of the door.
The room was literally made of metal, the left side the room had all sorts of weapons... Guns,blades,daggers,bombs,knives,etc you name it. The right side had some sort of torturing equipment of all sorts like the drill,skull crusher,hammers,iron rods,clasps,etc.
Holy fuck me! These bastards ain't playing.
"And you're going to learn as much and every skill as possible princess", Wayne whispered in my ear as he passed by me with a smile on his face.
"Shall we begin?"
I looked at both men.
They're enjoying this... They freaking planned this.
I should have taken my chances with Alec instead.

So I'm probably the 'Best' Bitch in the world😛 but also sort of a perfectionist kinda person😌
I think it's my Taurus traits🤔 we're always known to be organized🤔
Oh well🍷😁...
So you guys know what to do...😏 You have to encourage me with your 👇
Or I might just curl up and die😟... Hell nah☕️🙄
I really love to hear from you guys, my fellow readers and recommend my book to friends👥
Let's have a party up in this joint💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Till next time❤️

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