The Chariots

58 5 37

Rain Broad, District 7, Age 17
Disclaimer: There might be a small bit of swearing, but only twice, I PROMISE!! This swearing thing is only for certain chapters, but ENJOY!🍿🍿🍩🍩🍰🍰

As I walk down the long hallways of the train, I pull on my dark green gloves.

Everyone is so worried about killing people in the Games, where I am ready to have blood on my hands, although my mother would never approve. Even though I'm from District 7, I want to be the first female winner of the Hunger Games in my District, and if that meant killing people, that was what I would do.

I finally enter the dining room, and sit down at the smooth, wooden table. A silver eyed Avox comes towards me.

"A fruit salad please, and I would like strawberry yogurt instead of vanilla." I tell the Avox. He nods his head and rushes to the kitchen, and just then, Markus, the male tribute from my District walks in.

"Hey....just so you know....I won't try to kill you in the Arena, so we could be allies!" He says excitedly. Markus was so childish, he acted like the Hunger Games was

"I don't care, you're too dumb to be allies with me. If I were you, I'd at least act smart." I say with a sneer. He looks hurt, and leaves, finally.

The Avox with silver eyes comes towards me with a glass bowl that has perfectly arranged grapes, apples, bananas, and strawberries. When he sets it down, I eagerly dip my spoon in and taste it.

I immediately notice something is wrong. My mouth fills with the sweet, sugary taste of vanilla. I gag loudly, and wipe my tongue with a napkin. I hate vanilla to no end. I chug down the water that the Avox gives to me, and I can see that he is scared. He did this on purpose. My eyes fill with rage, and I turn to him. Before he can run, I throw my bowl at him.

The bowl hits him in his chest, and the yogurt and fruit spills on his hair, face, and clothes. He stumbles back into the cart with all the tableware, and the cart falls on top of him, and even though he can't scream, his facial expressions show that he is. I walk over to him and lift the cart. He has a long gash in his right check, various glass cuts, and broken glass and silverware is strewn everywhere. But then I see the pool of blood on the floor beside him, and see that a sharp knife embedded itself in his left thigh. He pants, and sweat forms on his brow.

I lean forward and grab a pair of tongs. He looks at me pleadingly, but I ignore him as I stab him in the chest with the tongs .His face contorts in pain.

"Next time, get my order right. Oh wait, you don't get another chance. You'll already be dead." I say as the life leaves his dull, silver, eyes. I turn and walk away from the scene, but as I go to my room, I am stopped by hand on my shoulder.

"I saw what you did back there, and even if you are about to be in the Hunger Games, that was not cool. Killing Capitol staff members can be fined with severe punishments. Find a way to get rid of the body at our next stop, and I won't say say anything, but if you do otherwise I will." Henith says. Henith is District 7's only mentor, and in an instant his cold hand leaves my shoulder. My stylists, Penna and Jore happily come out of the styling room just as Henith leaves.

"The chariots are going to leave soon!" Penna says as she tightens the corset on my long golden gown. The dress hugs my body, there are wood patterns at the hem, and the dress stops at my ankles. Jore takes my arm and leads me outside and into the chariot garage.

All the tributes are standing near their chariot chatting with their 'friends'. Jore takes me to a wooden chariot that is decorated with green leaves and flecks of gold. Markus is already there and is wearing a pure gold tuxedo with the District 7 seal on his tuxedo jacket.

"I still won't kill you in the Games...but we don't have to be allies. But I'm begging you, don't kill me." He says.

"That would be like telling you not to eat bacon." I shot at him, referring to last night when he had four plates of bacon."You'll be easy to kill....I'll certainly last longer than you." He looks at me, confused. How many times will it take for Markus to get it through his dumb head of his? I'm definitely not being allies with him.

"Why are you so damn mean? Just so you know, I saw what you did to that Avox in the dining room, and I have the right mind to tell Henith." Markus says. I pull him by his gold tie close to me, and I whisper in his ear.

"I swear to God if you tell a single soul, I'll fucking kill you, just like I did to the Avox." I say. He pulls away from me, and his expression is unreadable.

"Okay, places everyone." Serbia, the chariot director says. Serbia comes to different tributes and hands them something. Finally, she stops at us.

"Here," Serbia says while passing me sugar cubes, and a green colored button. "Feed these to the horse, and press this when it chimes." And with that she walks off.

I turn to the two, majestic, caramel colored horses and hold out my hand, and each of them eat eight. Markus is already in the chariot when they finish, and he tries to help me on the chariot, but I refuse. I sit on the smooth, leather seats, and one by one, the chariots leave. After District 6, it is our turn.

The horses lurch forward, and I see the shining faces of the Capitol. They cheer and wave, and I see President Snow sitting in the middle of the course, watching us with his cold, gray eyes. I do not wave, I just look coldly at the bright, colorful faces in the crowd. Suddenly the button in my hand chimes, and I press it.

I feel the chariot sink, and suddenly, dark green and brown leaves are trailing the chariot. If it is possible, the crowd cheers louder, and behind us is a carpet of brown and green. The horses slow as we pull into our station, and I hear Velkette Eshale, the Capitol chariot reporter.

"Well, there's District 7 staying true to its roots!" Velkette jokes, and a rambunctious laughter comes from the crowd. The only people not laughing are the many mentors from all the districts sitting in the front, and they all wear solemn expressions. Henith glances at me, and his eyes say, Don't forget the body. I nod to him and wait for the other chariots to finish.

When District 12 pulls into their station with coal dust following their chariot, Markus and I go walk to the train lot, and hop on the train marked 7. We go our separate ways, and I go into the dining room. The Avox's blood in crusty and dry, and he is pale, not moving, and his lips are the color of his eyes. I am not clearing the body, that would be disgusting. And besides, when you're in the Capitol, you can act like a brat. I press a red button that signals another Avox. Almost as soon as my finger leaves the button, a Avox with a pin on her apron that says Marcie comes in, and when she sees the Avox's body, her covers her mouth in shock, and her eyes fill with tears. Her eyes are a deep blue, and she has auburn colored hair.

"Clean this mess up, and you better be quick, because I'm giving you five minutes, and if you're not finished, you'll be laying right beside this Avox." I say coldly. She immediately starts scrubbing the blood with a nearby sponge, and in the process Marcie silently cries. I leave the dining room, and go to my room and as I open the door, I think.

I'm definitely going to win.

Hi my awesome Cupcaters, soups sorry I was offline for a week. My IPad got confiscated, and yeah...but I promise that I will update 4 chapters by Wednesday, and I will update keep updating Warrior on Wednesdays, and Rain Broad has shoulder length curly hair, and brown eyes and Puerto Rican features. And I will always put the disclaimer for swearing at the beginning of those certain chapters. Okay, bye my loves!

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