chapter one: the meeting

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 chapter one: the meeting


all my life I have been doing my best to please everyone, I don’t want to have enemies or any misunderstanding. I always tried to act kind to all of them even though sometimes I just want to break their neck.

Growing up in an orphanage is the reason why I act the way I am right now, you can’t blame me for I never have a family that I can consider my own. I remember one of the worker in young heart orphanage saying that I was left alone at a stormy night that is why they called me Ran which is the name of the goddess of storm in norse mythology which is a very dangerous goddess.

I always hate my name but what can I do this is what they gave to me. I always yearn to have my own family but no one wants to adopt me.

For 13 years of my life I was alone, I endured the bullying of my co orphan. At first I always cried every night but as days goes by even my tears dried up. That also a reason why I was so scared to offend others.

I tried everything just to keep my real self to me. I show them a fake Ran. The one they see is a good and obedient girl but they did not know the fighter side of myself because I did everything to hide her.

Because of my poker face, the workers in the orphanage likes me, no one knows the real me and I’m not planning to reveal her anytime.

I was sitting in the balcony of our room staring at the cloudy sky when I heard a car stopping at the entrance of the orphanage door. I look down and saw a very beautiful car I have ever seen. The chairman went out to greet them. I saw a couples, a girl and boy who left the car. The chairman and the man shake hands and they exchange greetings.

Maybe some rich couples who wants to donate money or want to adopt some children but who cares about them, it’s not like I was going to be chosen. I was going to enter our room when I notice the boy, it’s strange I can’t turn away from him. He’s a very handsome boy and much taller than me. he have an aura that you can’t miss and it feels like he was protecting the girl from any harm. He stay at the girl side all the time

“how lucky she is, I wish I have someone who’s willing to protect me too” I murmured and then its like the boy heard me, he look up where I was standing, my heart skip a beat and I tried to hold my breathing. I stared at his beautiful very dark brown eyes almost black color, it mesmerized me. I smiled at him but he just coldly stares at me then give back his attention to the girl.

I’m so mad but I don’t know why, I hate that girl but for what reason? I never even know both of them and yet I felt anger toward the girl. I saw her smile at the boy and he did the same.

Then rain started to fall, I decided to enter my room and never go out.

At night my stomach growled, I’m so hungry. I decided to go to the dining hall and there I saw that everyone is eating together

“Ran finally you decided to come here” the chairman called

“good evening chairman” I greeted softly

“is something wrong dear you look so sad?” Mae one of the sister asked

“I’m fine it just the weather, I hate rainy days” I said

“come on how come you hate the weather when you are name after the goddess of storm” one of the child asked mocking me

I look at him with heated eyes

“stop it! We have visitors” Mae said firmly

Then I finally recognized the same people who came this afternoon

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