Chapter 5

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When Sam and I get home to his house we get some food and start to watch a movie. We decided on the 'Blare witch project' the horror film. I hate horror films but Sam wanted to so...

We close all the blinds and shut off all the lights and started the movie. It was already scary the first 5 minutes in. It got to a point where i was so scared I got to walk me to the bathroom. I walk out and he wasn't there so I call for him. "Sam!" I shouted taking a few steps forward. I hear something in the lounge so I run for there. "Sammy?" I whisper with emotion in my voice. I slowly back up against the curtains when..
"BOO" something comes out from the curtains grabbing me. Me being me I scream bloody murder. I turn around to see Sam laughing his ass off. I punch his arm and walk out to the kitchen turning all the lights on. I grab some ice from the freezer and walk back over to Sam. He gets up from the floor and pretends to cry because of me punching him. I bring him into a hug and then put all the ice down his pants.

"SUMMER!" Sam yells. I quickly run off as fast as I can. Sam has a big house so there is plenty of places to hide. I end up hiding in his closet. "You know when I find you, you're gonna regret it" Sam shouts walking around. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to me. I hide myself in Sam's clothes putting his hoodie on and covering my face with my hands. "Hmm I wonder where she could of gone" Sam says pretending to look clueless whilst wondering outside his closet. I start to sniggering because of his goofiness.
"FOUND YOU!" Sam says opening his closet. I squeal and try to run but he catches me before I could get away. Just as Sam grabbed me the door bell rings. "Your lucky" he whispers in my ear. He runs downstairs and opens the door to see Colby. "What are you doing here?" Sam asks in an angry tone. "I can't come over and see my best friend now?" Colby says and smirks as he walks in. I hide around the corner from Colby. It was strange but I think I'm scared of him.

Sam's PoV
Colby walks in and sits on the couch. "Seriously man I think you need to leave" I say gesturing him to the door. "Come on Sam don't be like that please" Colby says with disappointment in his voice. "Then what should I be like Colby! After what you did to summer, after what you did to me. That's really not cool man" I say sitting on the couch opposite him. I huff and look up to him. "And summer she is scared of you, she tenses up when you walk by and she cries herself to sleep!" I yell at him. I stand up and walk over to him. "You have lost us! We cared for you most and to treat us like you did!" I lift my fist up and clench it tight. At this point Colby is flinching with his hands in the air to protect him. I let go of my fist and fall to the floor and cry. He was my best friend. He was always there whenever I needed him. But now I guess that has changed and I can't do anything about it.

Summers PoV 
I didn't like hearing Sam and Colby shout at each other. I hated it. I was sitting on the steps next to the living room and listened to everything they said. "Colby if you want me to even consider being friends with you again your gonna have to change the way your acting because you have hurt both of us really bad" Sam says. I couldn't help but give a little sob but before I knew it I was crying my eyes out. I hear footsteps leaving the lounge and I take some quick steps up the stairs. I end up sitting on the top step and put my head to my knees. I look up and down the stairs to see Sam and Colby looking at me. Colby looks at me in an understanding way and leaves. I didn't want him to I loved him but my words were stopped in fear...

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