Part 3

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The boom wasn't thunder, but the tv as Jane was watching a movie. All of this still scared Carly none the less as she cowered next to Jane and buried her head in the couch. When the rain stopped Carly bounced out and investigated all the new smells that rain brings, grass, dirt and so much more. So much for Carly to explore, she bolted off and enjoyed herself.
    "Carly time to go" Jane yelled out
    "But I just got started exploring" Carly whined in her head.
     As the usual Carly would bite Janes ankles as she tries to walk being a nuance. Both of them jumped in the car on he way to Carly's favorite park. Carly jumped out and ran to explore and be a puppy. Jane managed to coax the collar and leash on but Carly had other ideas. She bit the leash and whipped her head around as hard as she could but it wouldn't budge. Carly tried a different strategy, pulling her head out and this time it worked. She ran free and went into the woods as Jane ran behind her and called. Carly was moving so fast she didn't even notice the 6 foot drop coming up, she fell, luckily not injuring anything but couldn't find a way back up. She howled but Jane couldn't hear her and Carly waited for hours but Jane never came looking in the right place.

A Man came up and found Carly and picked her up and helped her back up the drop while looking for her owner.
     "Where's your owner pup?" The man questioned
     Carly barked and then the man picked her up and looked around for Carly's owner but to no avail. The man ended up turning Carly into the pound hoping they could find the owner. All this happened whilst Jane frantically searched the park down to every square inch. Jane gave up after 6 hour of searching and went home hoping Carly found her way home.
     Carly was so uncomfortable in a small little cage and barked and barked to be returned to her spacious home. Carly hated there cheap dog food and how she couldn't move and had to sleep on her own waste.
     Jane thought of looking online at the pound to see if somehow her sweet little pup found her way there. She found Carly on there and raced to get her pup, when she got there they demanded 500 dollars for Carly. Jane had just barely enough in her bank account to get Carly out of that wretched place.
     "Man I'm glad too be home" Carly thought " I didn't know how those other dogs live in that terrible place!"
     Jane told Carly she was a bad girl for running off and Carly really listened to her not wanting to go back to that place. Carly ran around as usual but this time found something else to get into hot water with.

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