Chapter 3~ Oh God Why

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"Slow down jeez! Your going to rip my arm off!"

"Oh sorry.. Heh."

"Come on let me show you where my house is." And with that we were off to his house. He only lived like a block away. Which is surprising really. Means Rin is going to be stalking me or the other way around hehe.

We where in his room playing video games when I got a call from my mom.

~•~•~•~•Le call•~•~•~•~

"Ah hello mom?"

She was crying that's new.

"What's wrong?"

"Sweetie Eren... S-She's in the hospital in a coma.. Doctors are saying she's not going to make it..." She sobbed. I just stood there blanked face. I didn't know what to say so I just hung up.

•~•~•~ Le End•~•~•~•

I picked up my things and started to cry rushing out of Rins house. Walking through his kitchen Rin ran down the stairs and stopped me.

"What's wrong?? Why are you leaving out of no where?? What happened in the phone call?"
I fully on cried in his chest as he rubbed my back saying it going to be fine even tho he doesn't know what's happening.

"I need your car because mine is at school because of you.. My friend is in the hospital.." With that he picked me up and placed me in the passengers seat and took me to the hospital where Eren was at while I gave directions.

~_~_~_ Le Hospital _~_~_~

I ran inside crying. I didn't stop I don't know how to stop. Eren was my friend since the first grade we where suppose to go to the same college. I mentally slapped myself, Eren isn't dead yet not yet.

I reached the front desks asking for Eren's room saying I'm her sister because I know they wouldn't let me go back if I wasn't. I ran to her room going through halls and more halls saying room 407 in my head to remember till I finally got there. I stopped outside and looked in the glass where the blinds were open. She was laying there tubs and ivs stuck to her she had a case on her left leg and her forehead was wrapped. I froze I didn't know what to do. I felt like I couldn't go in there. She was practically my sister. I walked to the door and opened it slowly as the hearing of beeping came into hearing. I shut the door once I got in and walked to her side. I held her hand, she was cold, lifeless; barely breathing. What happened to you I said and pulled a sit up close enough where I could still hold her hand and sleep if I needed to. "I'm not leaving till you wake up." I whispered and swore to myself. I sat down and looked at the clock seeing that only 5 minutes have passed since I walked in this room. I just looked at her and kissed her hand as I felt tired and slept from crying so much.

~_~_~_Another time skip :p _~~_~_

I woke up to beeping noises why. I was dreaming that me and Eren where in college in the same dorm, complaining about the work like we normally do. But she was in a coma still lifeless. I sighed and that's when I Doctor came in. "Oh hello I'm Dr. Smith I'm taking care of Eren Heart. You are?"
"I'm Delilah... "

"Well Eren is in a coma. We do not know if she will wake up or not it depends on her. But for know I have to check on her fluids and her needs to live."

"C-Can you tell me what happened to her please?..." I whispered out trying not to cry as a tear fell from me.

"She was driving and a guy who stole a bus hit her on her side. I'm surprised they found her breathing. I have to say she's quite a fighter." He was know checking things and I just stayed quiet. Once he was done he told he to have a nice day and left the room. And I was crying again but in Eren.

;;-;; ;;-;;

Oh my Lerp I been so inactive forever now!! But I've been reading!! No fear! XD I just haven't had the nerve to update!! And I know the feels!! Even tho you guys don't know Eren that well!!! ;__; I still love her!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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