country cat

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Prompt: Troye doesn't know porcupines from cats when in the country

"Just get them out!" Troye yells and I stifle a giggle as he grips at the hay around him. The situation shouldn't be funny, but it is. We're at my grandmothers house, me dragging Troye out here against his will to meet my family in exchange to going to prom with him. I hate school dances and he hates the country.

The barn creaks as he whines in pain, me sitting on my knees between his legs as he lays on the floor. We were coming to see the horses, Troye complaining about ruining his new coat, when he decided to play with the cat. The cat was a porcupine and now he's laying before me with quails in his neck and cheeks.

"Connah! Please!" He whines and I lean over his face with a nervous smile.

"Okay, okay. Don't move." I take ahold of one of the bigger ones sticking from his neck and pull roughly. It comes out in my hand as Troye screams in pain.


"Maybe we should take you to the hospital, I'm very inexperienced at quail removal."

"No way, I'm not letting your family know how big of a fuck up I am." I just giggle because there's no way he can hide this, he'll have dots all over his face for a couple of weeks for sure. "Stop laughing you ass and hurry up." I pull my gloves off and lay them in the snow next to me. I then pull another quail from right above his lip, a tear rolling down his sore check.

"Baby I'm so so sorry." I say when I realize how much pain he must be in, even though it's still extremely hilarious and I'm still smiling as I say it.

"It's fine- ow!" I pull another. "How many more?"


"Oh fuck me!" He yells and I laugh, leaning back and burying my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry, just, give me a second." After I've calmed down enough and stopped laughing I look up and see blood coming from the places I've removed the pins from. "Shit Troye your bleeding."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah." He stares at me, face pale and eyes wide, I quickly reassure him.

"I'm sure it's normal. Here let me pull the rest really quickly and we can go clean you off.

"Okay, quick just pull one after the other." A throw a leg over each of his hips and take a deep breathe.

"Okay, ready..set..go." I grab two at a time, ignoring his cries and reminding him not to
move as I pull the rest. Once there all out and he's panting and tear soaked I pull him up to the sitting position. "I'm sorry for laughing." I whisper when I see the genuinely upset look on his face.

"I'm sorry for playing with the countries version of a cat." I giggle, brushing some curls out of his face and shifting in his lap. "Are there marks on my face?"

"Lots." Troye looks down and I intertwine our hands.

"Am I still pretty?" He whispers and i furrow my brow, just staring at him in shock for a moment before I hear his sniffle.

"What? Of course, your gorgeous Tro." He nods gently, looking up at me again and I wipe some of the blood that's started to dot his face.

"I'm just.." He sighs. "I wanted to look good for prom and now I'm going to have all these marks. I wanted it to be special, I know cheesy, but-"

"Troye please stop. It's fine, really. You could be bald and I'd still think your the most handsome thing to walk the earth. Prom is going to be great." Troye giggles and i know I've said something right.

"But you don't even like prom."

"And you don't like the outdoors and yet here we are, sitting on a pile of snowy hay surrounded by horse poop and porcupine quails." I offer him a soft smile that he returns.

I brush his shoulders off as he stares at me, a blush coating my face at the attention. He cups my face gently and I pout as he wrinkles his nose at me.

"Thank you." I shrug.

"Thank you, for going outside your comfort zone and doing this for me." He grins.

"I'd do anything if you made you as happy as you were pulling those death pins out of my face." It's my turn to smile when he says this.

"Then in that case I think it's time to adopt a porcupine. And a cat. And a fish-"

"Okay! Okay!" He shakes his head at me as i giggle, biting my lip to keep from cackling.

"I love you, ya know." I say and he nods, pulling me closer before cupping my face again.

"And I love you so much more." Then we're kissing and only stopping when my mom calls us in for hot chocolate.
Okay this was cute sorry had to

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