The Green Man Effect (Zetsu X Sakura)

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It was an ordinary day for me. But I was helping Ino with her gardening. I had nothing better to do. We went out into the big flower field we went to as kids. I got separated from her though. I wanted to. I had enough drama talks. She wouldn't stop talking about her family drama. Oh god why.

Anyways I went a distance away telling her I was going to look for different flowers. She said it was fine. I ended up really far away from her. I couldn't see her though. I got down on the ground to lay down. My feet were tired. I laid down in the flowers which covered my body. I closed my eyes to relax for a few seconds. When I opened them I saw the bright sun in my eyes. It burned looking at it so I turned my head to the side.

I noticed a peculiar flower. It was black and white. One side was black, one side was white. Why did this look so familiar. I tried to pick the flower but it wouldn't come out. I yanked at it. Still wouldn't come out. Hmm what's the matter with this thing???

I pulled even harder and harder still didn't come out. What's with this thing!?!?

I looked at its roots. It's not like any flower I've seen or known before. I used my medical chakra to see if it was bad but before I could do anything I was attacked. It was an Akatsuki. Zetsu, was it?

He tried to grab a old of me but I dodged it. "You're quick little girl!" "SHE'S A MEDIC-NIN WHO WAS TRAINED BY ONE OF THE GREAT SANIN. YOU WOULD EXPECT HER TO BE GOOD."

He looked and sounded like he had two personalities. One was on the black side, one on the white. They both spoke their thoughts out loud. Ok, not weird enough. But he looked hungry. Was he going to eat me?? I'm scared.....



"Uhhhhh........." He tried to grab me again. I was slow this time. He got a hold of me. But instead of grabbing me elsewhere, he grabbed me across the waist. Oh shit. I was about to scream when his dark side put his hand across my mouth. "You don't want to get in any kind of trouble, do you now." I was trapped.

But the most peculiar thing happened. His plant went inside of his body. As though he was doing it for a reason. But what was his reason. His dark side let go of my mouth, knowing I wouldn't speak because I was so shocked. And I was. He started to unzip his cloak. "Whoa there. No need for that," I said.

He continued to unzip his cloak, ignoring what I said. Then I was turned around and found myself up close, face to face with Zetsu. Whoa. Whoa there.

Okay now this goes too far. I tried to push him away but he had me locked in this position. He proceeded to kiss me.


Wut are you doing.



But he didn't. He went too far actually. He started to make out with me. Too far, dude, too far. But it got worse. He kissed my neck too. He started to unzip my shirt. Oh god, what is happening. Why am I allowing him to do this. I couldn't do anything though. I was trapped.

When I thought things couldn't get worse, it did. Ino came running for me and found out what was happening. God, why do you hate me so?!?!?!

She screamed at the top of her lungs and Zetsu went back into the ground. Ino came running towards me. She was panicking. She wouldn't stop asking, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" And I said I was fine. But I wasn't. I felt weird. I wanted him more......god help me....... I........have feelings......for him now? What is going on?!?!? What the hell just happened!?!?

I gotta get things straight in my mind. God please lord help me!




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