Chpt 14

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I slowly woke up. I was in a soft bed. I wore a red sweat shirt. I sat up. Danny sat next to me.

"Nat!" Danny beamed then hugged me tight. I hugged him back. The sweat shirt was really big on me. I took in my surroundings. I was in a red themed room with lots of machinery and a window with fish swimming by. Danny kissed me lightly. "Thank glob you're ok."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well. These shadows kidnapped you and fought us." Danny informed. Danny hugged me tighter. "I'm glad you're ok." I curled my knees into my chest.

"Thanks for letting me wear your sweatshirt. But, you could've just went to my room and got my clothes." I laughed.

"I wanted to see what you'd look like in my sweat shirt." Danny teased. "And you look crazy good." I rolled my eyes.

"You look hotter." I laughed. Danny laughed.

"Of coarse I do. But. I think you look super cute and hot." Danny laughed.

"No I don't." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you do. Stop being modest." Danny teased.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"You should wear my clothes more often. And I can wear your's." Danny laughed.

"What! I don't think you'd fit in my clothes." I laughed.

"Because I'm way to sexy?" Danny smirked.

"I'm way sexier than you admit it." I challenged.

"Never!" Danny exclaimed. I tackled Danny to the bed.

"Admit it Danny!" I growled.

"No way!" Danny challenged. He tried to sit up but I pressed down harder. "You can't hold me down! You're a girl!"

"I so can!" I laughed. I grabbed his face and squished his face. "Admit it!"

"Nehverh!" Danny retorted with a muffled voice. Danny knocked me down so he was on top of me. "Now who's sexier!"

"I still am!"

"No way! I am far too sexy!"

"Psh that's impossible!"

"Admit it Nat you can't resist my beauty." Danny challenged. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Admit you can't resist my beauty." I challenged. Danny kissed me hard.

"I can't." Danny whispered.

"And I can't resist you." I giggled in his ear. Danny kissed me demandingly. I took gasp of air. I pushed Danny to his back and hovered over him. Danny's fingered my curly hair.

"You could've waited until we left." Beth's voice laughed. I pulled away fast. Beth, Chris, and Wallow stood at the open door. I felt my face heat up. I scooted away from Danny.

"It's not what you think." I assured while waving my hands around.

"Good thing FoxBird and Catbug aren't here." Chris laughed.

"Going a little PG13 here!" Wallow teased.

"What!" I screeched.

"Shut up Wallow." Danny growled protectively. Wallow raised his hands in defense.

"Don't get all mad Danny. Just wanted to check on Nat." Chris assured. "And she seems fine."

"Better than fine." Beth laughed quietly. I shot Beth a death glare. "Continue on. We'll leave."

"Bye Nat." Chris waved then left with the rest. I blew a piece of stray hair from my face.

"Should of warned you they'd come check in." Danny apologized.

"It's ok." I assured.

"You can go back to your room if you want." Danny suggested.

"Why?" I asked with a smile. Danny laughed.

"Exactly." Danny smiled. I kissed Danny again. I intertwined my legs with his. Danny held me tight. We pulled away for a minute. I rested my head on his shoulder and took heavy breaths. I felt a sharp pain on my arm. I gasped. Danny's eyes where apologetic. Danny held a knife that was in my arm.

"Danny!" I screamed.

"Nat stay calm. The team and I found something to keep shadows away from you. Stay calm." Danny assured as the knife dug in. I grabbed at him.

"Stop!" I demanded. Danny dropped the knife and poured a clear liquid that stung my arm into the wound. I cried out in pain. Danny cut a part of finger. Blood seeped from the cut. Danny pressed his finger to the wound. Danny pressed his lips to the wound then pulled away to look at me. "Why would you do that?"

"When ever you're with me you'll be safe from the shadows. I'm sorry. I hurt you because I love you." Danny whispered. I hugged Danny tight. The wound healed fast. I pressed my ear to his chest. Danny held me tight. Tears fell from my eyes to his shirt.

"I love you too."

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