101 lies we tell ourselves and others...

143 14 11

1. I'm fine

2." I'm almost ready"

3. Just one more Netflix episode...

4. I look and feel fine

5. "I won't be long"

6. Just one more YouTube video...

7. Just 5 more minutes of sleep...

8. I'm going to start getting up earlier

9. It's not considered social media stalking if no one sees me doing it...

10 .I'm not lazy...I'm just very tired today

11. I'm going to start going to bed earlier 

12. Death doesn't scare me

13. Just one more bit...

14. I am 100% happy with my appearance

15." I'll call you right back"

16. I definitely don't spend too much time on my phone

17. "It's not you, it's me"

18. "I know how you feel"

19. It will be fine

20. Everything's ok

21. I'm just looking around, I won't buy anything

22. I'll finish this task right after I...

23. Yeah, I've seen that film

24. I'm perfect

25. I'm fine with that 

26. I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions

27. "I'll keep this item of clothing which has been in my wardrobe for 2 years...I'll wear it sometime"

28. "I'm nearly ready"

29." I won't laugh, I promise"

30." I never got that text you sent me"

31. "I'm on my way"

32. 3 hours of sleep is enough

33. I don't judge books by their covers

34. "Sorry,  I have to go"

35. I don't need to revise

36. I will only watch one episode of that show tonight

37. "I'm nearly there"

38. " Let's keep in touch" 

39. "I'll be right back"

40. "Yeah, I'm listening" 

41. "I'm busy that day"

42. "Oh yeah, I remember you!"

43." I think there's something wrong with my phone"

44. "Just kidding!"

45." It wasn't me" 

46." I thought I replied to your text..."

47." I don't think the message delivered..."

48. Size doesn't matter

49.  "The letter to you is in the mail"

50. "My phone died"

51." I would love to meet up next weekend, but we already have plans"

52." Sorry I didn't reply to your message, my internet wasn't working"

53. "I'm studying"

54. Well I sure didn't vote for that person

55. I have abs, I just have a protective layer of fat covering them (credit to CrazyMyth)

56." You look great in those clothes!"

57. "All of this was on sale! I saved so much!"

58." Of course I'd like to do that with you!"

59. "Of course I didn't take the last bit..."

60." I revised for the test..."

61. "You're breaking up, I'll call you back..."

62. "I'll only  have one bite..."

63. "Thank you so much! I love it!"

64. "I'll start that task ASAP"

65." I definitely replied, there must've been a connection issue"

66. "I'll be there in 5 minutes"

67. "I've been so busy, I didn't have time to reply..."

68. "It won't take long"

69. "Yeah, that makes sense"

70. "Don't worry, it will be ok"

71. "My diet will start tomorrow"

72. "I'm going to stick to my resolutions"

73. "You will need to know this later in life"

74. One size fits all

75. "Let's meet up sometime"

76. "Thank you, dinner was delicious"

77. "It's been lovely but I must be going now.."

78. "I was sick..."

79. "I did it all by myself"

80. "I'm not judging"

81. "I'm not responsible for that thing..."

82. "I will..."

83. "I don't snore..."

84. "I promise"

85. I am truthful to myself

86. "Of course I'll tell them you said that..."

87. "That was so fun!"

88. "I'm not mad at you!"

89. "I can keep a secret"

90." I won't tell anyone"

91. "You look lovely!"

92. "I never said that!"

93. "I could never be mad at you!"

94. " Nothing's wrong"

95."I don't have any more gum"

96. "One second..."

97. "Sorry I didn't get your call, I didn't hear the phone..."

98. "I'll do it tomorrow..."

99. "I don't need help"

100. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired"

101. "Yeah, I'll feed your pets while you're gone..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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