Chapter 1:New Home

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"Hunter this is not funny."

"Hunter where are you and where did you put my shoes, we have to leave in 10 minutes!" I growled at him in frustration. I can't believe he would hide my shoes from me when we have to leave in 10 minutes to go to our new home in his pack, well our pack but right at this moment I'm ready to kill him.

"Hunter where are my shoes"

"I don't know my love." He said with a smirk on his face.

"The last time I saw them they were sitting by your bed"

"Hunter this isn't funny at all we are already late."

Hunter moved towards me and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on my cheek before putting his lips next to my ear.

"I thought you might have wanted to go without shoes, as you seem to enjoy not having to wear them when you're at home." He said before letting go of me and speeding out the door. If he won't give me my shoes, then he has something coming for him because two could play at this game. I grabbed my handbag and walked out my room and down the stairs to the lounge where my family was waiting. My dad and Hunter were having a conversation but kept quiet the moment they saw me come down the stairs.

"Darling where are your shoes?" my mom asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Why don't you ask Hunter that because he seems to find it funny to hide my shoes from me." I said as I glared at him.

"It wasn't me who hid your shoes, it was you who packed them all and didn't remember to leave a pair out for yourself." He said with a wink which no one else seemed to see. If he thinks he is getting away with what he is doing, then he better think twice because he isn't getting away with this one and the more he doesn't tell me where my shoes are the more sever his punishment will be later.

"Oh how silly of me." I said looking at him and giving him my evil smile. His face drained of colour because he knew I was going to get payback.

I turned to hug my mom and dad goodbye so that Hunter and I could leave and get to our pack. This was also the first time I would be seeing my new house that Hunter had specially built for us to live in. What excited me the most was that Hunter had built and designed our bedroom by himself and he wouldn't give anything away during the time that he was building it. After saying the long goodbyes to my parents Hunter and I finally got into the car. As we began driving Hunter didn't say a word to me. I turned to look at him and if he was reading my mind he turned to look at me. He moved his hand on top of my hand that was on my lap and gave it a gentle squeeze before he spoke.

"Are you excited to see our new home?" he asked with a smile on his face. I could see that he was excited to show it to me as he had done all the planning on the house to make sure that it was perfect for us.

"Yes I am but I'm more excited to see the part of the house that you built yourself."

"That's the best part of the house, well I think it is." He said giving me a wink which I couldn't help but laugh at. The drive to the Blood Moon Pack wasn't too long as it was the neighbouring pack to my father's. It was hard for me to try and get used to the fact that the Blood Moon Pack was mine and that I was now a part of it. But the scariest thought is that I'd be running the pack as their Luna and I didn't know how to do that. My thoughts drifted as we pulled up to a massive house that looked as if 50 people could live in it and there would still be enough space for more people. Hunter stopped the car outside a garage door. He opened the door to reveal all his cars and my motorbike parked all neatly inside. I was happy that I could at least still have my motorbike as I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't have it ride every now and again.

"Welcome home angel." Hunter said before giving me a kiss on the cheek and climbing out of the car and walking over to my door. He opened it and before I could step out he had already placed his arms around me and lifted me out of the car.

"We don't want you to get your feet dirty now do we, especially since you don't have any shoes on." He said with a sly smile. I punched his chest hard.

"Hunter you're so annoying!" I said with a huff. He just chuckled at my childish actions. Hunter placed me down on the floor and I found myself standing in a huge foyer. I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful it was.

"You can go exploring while I unpack the rest of your things from the car." Hunter said giving me a quick kiss.

"But what if I get lost." I said a little worried that I actually would.

"You won't I promise you. Go look upstairs it's not that difficult to find your way up there." Before I could say anything Hunter was gone, so I decide that I was going to explore as he had requested. Walking up the stairs I admired all the pictures on the wall of Hunter and I, as well as pictures of my family. Once I was up the stairs I notice that there were a few doors but the biggest door at the end caught my attention and I was guessing that, that would be mine and Hunters bedroom. I walked up to the doors and opened them to reveal a bedroom that was big enough for a giant to live in. There were massive windows on the one end of the bedroom that if you lay on the bed you could see out them and they were tall enough that you could probably watch the stars through them when you are lying on the bed.

Walking towards the bed I noticed that it was very different to any bed. It seemed as if it was handmade due to all the little details that were carved into the wood. I took my time to admire the detail as Hunter must have been the one to carve all of it into the wood. I then looked up to see two doors with the exact same design carved into them as the bed. I guessed that one of them had to be a bathroom and the other a walk in closet. As I opened the one door it led into a bathroom that was designed as something that you normally only see in your dreams. On the one end of a bathroom was something that looked like a waterfall but as I got closer I realised that it was a shower and the bottom of the shower looked as if it was a small swimming pool that was dug out of the floor.

"Do you like what you see." I jumped and turned around ready to defend myself.

"Calm down angel it's only me." Hunter said wrapping his arms around me and planting soft kisses on my head.

"You gave me a fright" I said as I leaned into his chest.

"Hunter is this a shower?" I asked him as I was curious to find out why it looked as if the bottom was a small pool.

"Yes it is but it is also a waterfall bath, that's why the bottom dips in the way it does."

I couldn't help but stare at it, as it was just simply amazing it was.

"I hope you like it."

"Hunter I love it, it's absolutely beautiful." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly before giving him a kiss.

"I love this house Hunter it is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you in it."

"But first I need food because I'm hunger and you know how I get when I'm hunger." Hunter laughed at me and motioned towards the door.

"Of course I do angel and I don't want you to get grumpy so let's go get you some food."

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