For a thousand more

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A/N: I believe Elena and Elijah is one of the greatest pairings whose love story would have been beyond awsome if they had been given a chance. In only a handful moments they had together in the TVD story- so much was told about those two. They are always and forever!


Reasons Elejah is Always and Forever

Because they trust each other.

Because he trusts her enough to tell her his secrets...

Because one Petrova helped him believe in love, & the other renewed his faith in it.
Because he's been waiting over a thousand years to meet someone like her.

Because she advocated for his life to be saved as he was doing all to save hers.

"Elijah and I need some time alone." -Elena
Because he's trying to do it right this time around.
Because they're trying to do it right this time around.

He was deeply ashamed as he betrayed her. Recognizing his fault.

Writing an apologetic letter - living in regret for his deeds. Pledging 'Always and Forever' to her.
She understood his betrayal and why he couldn't kill his brother.

Family is number one for both.

"The longer he's around her, the more human he becomes." - Daniel Gillies

"Elijah looks at her and thinks that even within her own mortality she's greater than some creature that lived for centuries..." - Daniel Gillies

The sexual tension between them is pyre! - DG paraphrase

"E: "Can I trust you?"

E: "Can I trust you?"

She hands him the dagger over.

The way they say their names - with an emphasis that can't be described -



"She gave him her word. And she lived up to it."

The way he they look at one another talking without words, knowing what is in their hearts, and it spells an understanding that only know of.

The way he listens to her heart.

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