Over Again

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A/N: come at me with yo pitchforks because I didn't upload but make sure there's french fries on them because your girl's uploading! (after 5 million yrs! ! !)

Harry's P.O.V.

We stood there for 5 minutes, cold wind whistling through the air, nipping at our noses, prying at our happy hearts. Eventually, Emma took a step back, her arms still winded around my waist.

"Where were you bubble? Where were you?" Emma looked up at me, her face pale and rosy.

I gulped, uncertain. Hiding. Hiding from you.

"I...I don't know. Getting on with life without you, I s'pose. I... I was..." Emma cut me off.

"You were busy becoming an international teen pop sensation, and a sexy ass dreamboy that never thought to pick up the damn phone and call your old best friend! You never even thought to write me a letter, or look me up on facebook or some shit! You never even thought 'Hey what's Emma up to? Let me call her right now! NO! You were too busy becoming popular... and.. and everyone loves you.. and I never heard from you once..not once since..."

Emma broke down sobbing, her nose doing cute sniffles and her faint freckles jumping up to her milk chocolate eyes that were spilling with tears. I reached to embrace her more, but she pushed me away, then stepped towards me, then back again.

"I..Emma took a deep breath (A/N AHAHHAHAHhahah its Emma's turn now with the deep breaths). Lets start over."

I shoved a hand in my unruly hair frustratingly. "Start over? What do you mean? Like pretend we don't know each other?"

Emma bit her lip in thought, a habit she had always done, even as a child. "Well.. sort of. Kind of like we.. hmm, met in a coffee shop, or a park, or.."

"Tinder?" I suggested and cocked an eyebrow.

Emma laughed, then straightened herself and said "But wouldn't that mean we're dating? I mean, if we met off tinder..."

I scratched the back of my neck uncertainly. "Well, then maybe we could go on a.. friend.. date?" I barely dared to look Emma in the eyes as I spoke.

Emma smiled, a real smile, the corners of her eyes crinkling and her eyes shining. "I would love to go on a.. friend date." Her lips twitched uncertainly.

"Well... ummm... should we..." I motioned towards the door behind the crates.

"Should we get out of this cramped storage room that smells like burnt toffee and old bread? Yes, that sounds like a lovely idea." Emma put her hand in mine, pulling me along to the door, looking back once to give me a cheeky smile.

A smile I hadn't seen in nearly twelve years.

My heart started pounding and my stomach started feeling as if i had eaten burnt toffee. But in like, a good 'i'm holding Emma Watson's hand kind of way.'

She angled her face to me again, her eyes smiling, and her lips pulling into a soft, content, grin.

"I know exactly where we should have our date." She turned her head and started to hum as she opened the door.

And as I stepped into the bar where my night had taken an extreme turn, I saw something that made the burnt toffee in my stomach turn into moldy bread dread.(A/N - wtf am i doing someone stop meee)

Louis was gone, and the bar was a mess. I felt dizzy. As I stepped onto a particularly large chunk of bottle glass, the only thought in my head was

'Not again mate. Not again.'

ayeEEEE its yo girl Anna. Um, please don't hate me for not updating since MCR broke up (jokes).

And some of you may be wondering, "wow does this mean she's going to do regular updates now!!!11!!!1!!?"

Well the answer to that is ;)

And I will see you all later!! So much love to you all really. This community is fantastic. Even when I feel uninspired to write, I just think of you guys and want to. I love youuuuu.

With love (and overripe banana bread),

Anna xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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