poor Delilah

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A tear she cries, the demons hide
She doesn't know where to go,
She says she wants, to end it all,
In just one single blow,

When she's in her room, she cuts she cries,
But to her friends she tried to hide,
She wants to run away, kill herself today,
So she can't hear the voices inside,

She feels so small, with these four walls,
It's not at all that hard,
To go insane, not use your brain,
And want to end it all,

She could be, a beautiful queen,
If someone had told her so,
But her smile had died, a bit more inside,
Because no one had let her know,

Delilah Delilah, now you haunt the town,
To whisper in the ears of the ones you used to know,
Delilah Delilah, is now the voice in your head,
You living life with the tears of the dead.

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