Happy 15th Birthday

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"Happy Birthday dear Hermosa, Happy Birthday to you!!! " Those were the words I heard while I was blowing out my candles. I didn't wish for anything because everything was perfect. I had a perfect family, a life without worries. Nothing could be better. Or so I thought.

Moments later I started to shake uncontrollably, I was foaming at the mouth and me eyes rolled to the back of my head. I had a seizure. I was rushed to the hospital and the doctor had to run lots of test because they don't know why I had a seizure. After all the test they still didn't have an answer to my seizure but they did find something.

When the doctor came in he delivered life changing news and not in a good way. " Mr. And MS. Cooper" he said. "This is always hard, but I'm sorry to say this but Hermosa you have........ " He paused for what seemed like forever. " you have kidney cancer "
There was a still silence that was interrupted by my mom and dad crying and the door creaking as the doctor walked out. I didn't cry at all for some reason I just sat there stunned by the doctors comment. How could I have cancer I'm only 15 years old.

I was released from the hospital with the doctors permission the next day. When I got home I was still stunned, everything was so surreal. In my mind I still haven't accepted the fact that I have kidney cancer. I mean cancer itself is like all of my fears, all the hell I've been through, and the stuff my incompetent birth parents put me through all rolled into one. Plus the crappy world I live in. I mean we got Nations dropping bombs but to my cancer levels up to everything.

Even though I have cancer now I will still continue to fight. I'm only 15 years old for peaks sake. I made a vow to myself. " I promise to fight forever, in sickness and in health, for Jill, Bryan and Roxy til death does me part" ~Hermosa

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