Locket for Your Thoughts

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It stung. Seeing the one she loved so much swoon over another girl. It was like an over-used movie cliche.

And she hated it.

It grew darker as the sun began to disappear behind the hill Cupid was staring off toward. Despite her usual positive and happy attitude, she couldn't even bring herself to stand and walk inside. At least not yet. She needed a break; fresh air.

"Cupid!" A voice called from behind her.

Cupid shifted to find that the voice belonged to Blondie Lockes, her perky roommate. "Oh. Hey, Blondie." She strained her voice to imitate a more joyful tone then faced back toward the setting sun, knowing fully well that Blondie had been wondering where she was.

"What are you doing out here? It's almost time for curfew."

"I just wanted to ..." The pinkette looked down at her lap. Keeping her composer was proving to be difficult right now.

Blondie seemed to sense this and her expression softened. Taking a seat beside Cupid, she looked toward the fading rays of light and let out a content sigh.

A few minutes of silence passed before she piped up, "It really is beautiful. Isn't it?"

Without looking up, Cupid nodded.

Her smile fading, the blonde looked at her friend carefully; as if she was currently reading her every thought and emotion.

"What's wrong, Cupid?"

There it was. The outreach Cupid had been expecting. It's not like she could tell Blondie the truth though. Right?

After all, as the adopted daughter of Eros, she was supposed to help bring others to their true loves. Even if that meant sacrificing her own love for the sake of someone else's happiness.

"It's .. It's nothing."

"You can tell me." Blondie assured.

Tucking a strand of her pink curls behind her ear, Cupid took a deep breath and stood up. "Actually, I was about to go inside."

Despite the hard look Blondie was giving her, she pretended not to notice and refused to make eye contact.

"We wouldn't want to miss curfew. Right?" Cupid turned and made her way back inside without waiting for a response from her roommate.

She didn't feel like she could make it through a conversation without crying. Let alone a conversation about her colliding feelings.


"Cupid? Cupid?"

A light nudging awoke Cupid from what felt like a restless sleep.

She blinked a few times to make out the figure of Blondie, standing beside her bed in the dark room.

"Blondie? What do you need?" She pushed herself into more of a sitting position and rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes.

Blondie beamed a smile and silently held out her hand to Cupid. In response, Cupid merely blinked as the other teen waited for her to take hold.

Figuring Blondie wasn't going to let her sleep, and with her own hand twitching with hesitance, Cupid took the offer only to have Blondie yank her out of bed.

"Blondie! W-what are you doing!?"

"Shh! Just come with me! You'll see!" She giggled in a half-whisper.

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