Chapter 5

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The next seven days were filled with romantic gestures from Jacob and it was sweet, it really was but I was still extremely pissed at him for ignoring me for a week and making it seem like he was cheating on me. But I was nice and decided to stay with him because everyone deserves a second chance. Even Jacob.

For the month following those seven days my relationship was great, Jacob was acting like the sweet guy I knew from when we first started dating and I was actually happy again. But I was still suspicious that he was cheating on me.

Y/n's condition still hadn't changed though. I would visit him every other day and would just sit beside him, hold his hand, cry and talk to him.

I would stay like that until visiting hours were up. Normally it was just me in the hospital room but sometimes my mom, dad and Sofi would show up and keep me company, the girls would do the same.

But here I was sat beside him again as he lay on his hospital bed, unaware of the world around him. Holding his hand and crying a little.

"Hey Y/n. I'm not sure if you can hear me but I'm still gonna talk to you." I start and I laugh a little at how stupid I seem "I really miss you, my family really miss you, the girls really miss you. Everyone misses you. I'm going to need you to wake up for me. I feel so lonely when I come home from work. I miss your laugh, I miss your cuddles, I miss beating you in NBA." I say with a laugh at the end.

"I miss my best friend. I want him back, Jacob and I's relationship is on thin ice right now. I'm very close to ending things with him. He's being a douchebag, I think he's cheating on me so I need you to wake up and comfort me. You always know what to do. I'm alone without you, I'm lost without you. Please wake up." I say but I couldn't continue because I just started crying.

Every now and then I would beg him to wake up but it didn't work. I really need him right now, he always knows how to make me feel better. Why can't he wake up?

Your POV:
I could hear everything but I couldn't open my eyes. Everything felt heavy, it felt like an elephant was sitting on me and I couldn't move.

I heard Camila crying and all I wanted to do was reach out and wipe her tears away but I knew I couldn't. I literally couldn't move. I willed myself to move my hand but it didn't work.

That's what I would do every other day. Camila would come in, talk to me about the day and tell me what date it was and stuff like that, then she would talk about what had being going on in her life.

She would tell me about her work, her relationship just what ever came to mind.

She would beg me to wake up and I kept trying to, I kept trying to do anything but I couldn't and it physically killed me.

I wanted to comfort her and hold her in arms but I simply couldn't and that fact was driving me insane. Knowing that my dream girl is hurting and I can't do anything about it.


I heard the door of my hospital room open which was odd because Camila wasn't meant to visit today. But that's when I heard someone talking and I recognised it was Dinah.

She sat beside me and I knew she was sitting in the place where Camila usually sits. She didn't take my hand or anything she just sat down and began talking.

"Hey Y/n. It's me Dinah. I'm going to do what Camila said to do. So today is Friday. It's the 18th of November, it's been about 3 months since the accident. I just wanted to tell you about everything going on right now. I know you can't answer but I can tell that you are listening. So the other day I was at the mall and I saw Jacob out with some other girl." She began and I could feel my blood boiling.

"At first I didn't think much of it but then I saw him kiss her. He didn't see me so I moved closer so I could hear what they were saying. The girl said 'When are you gonna break up with that bitch?' And Jacob laughed and said 'Soon baby trust me. She means nothing to me.' The girl then smiled and Jacob kissed her again. It turned into a make out session and he grabbed her ass and she moaned but then pulled away and said 'I'm turned on now let's go back to your place.' Jacob smirked and then they left." Dinah said and I wanted to wake up so badly and just kill Jacob.

"What I'm trying to say is that Jacob is cheating on Mila but she won't believe me. So I'm going to show her him cheating in person so then they will break up." I was very proud of Dinah for doing this.

"I know you hate Whoresides as much as I do, if not more. I know all about your love for Mila but don't worry I'm not gonna tell her. She doesn't know it but I can tell she loves you too. Without you she has been a mess, she cries constantly and always talks about you. She has this twinkle in her eye when she talks about you that she doesn't have when she's talking about Jacob. That's how I know that she loves you and I'm going to make sure that she realises that she loves you." Dinah finishes and I was so shocked.

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it before kissing my forehead and saying "Wake up soon Y/n. Your girl needs you." Then I heard the door open and close and I knew she had left. I really need to wake up.

A/N: So that was chapter 5, Dinah is gonna show Camila the true Jacob but what's going to happen after that?

The answer is I don't know. I really need your input and ideas for this story because I'm a little confused on what should happen next. I have some ideas but they will only work further down the line.

If any of you have ideas then please share them. I will love you forever. Remember to give me feedback and ideas for not just this story but my other stories and just ideas for another story you want me to start.

Thanks again for reading. -Mason

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