1. "SPACE SF SPACE" , Science Fiction, Part 1

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Johnny wanted love

Spaceship was sailing through silent infinity of the universe ,
merry happily sparkling their engines ...

There are more stars in the universe than cells sand on all the beaches of the world,

endless sparkling sea stars!

But the hardest to find in the universe is love ...

Through silent infinity of the universe  spaceship was sailing,
    wistful  sparkling their engines.

Johnny turned on music;

1.1. (Paths distant, writes: ROMAN STAR
Discipline as a key
of the Sirius Star,
over waterfalls stellar dust,
the NGC 6822 galaxy,
by M31 Andromeda,
the Pegasus and Hercules galaxy,
and through the Gemini, still, over the distant zone
all on, and on my ship sails and shine
the shiny bubble of tachyon.)


G od is love

O ptimistic be

D ine little to no get body fat

I nnovations make

S exy be, but wife do not cheat

L ove is the greatest law

O rder save, and the order will protect your

V ictory comes with planning, fighting, with faith, hope, love

E conomy learn the alphabet, and repeat, and saving


Johnny B. Goode sat in the cockpit and watched the blue tacho screen, endlessly twinkling stars.
There was a buzz of the engine.

The ship is fine smell, the lights are all pleasant sparkled

The seat was comfortable. He enjoyed.

"Speed Luxury" raced 20 times faster than light, because it was the newest type of spacecraft, luxury space yachts.
Behind the wheel sat Wable, his uncle. Wable was small, ugly, bald. He was mean and ruthless, and the owner of "Space travel agencies".
"Ha Johnny, look to racing my space beauty!" Uncle Wable just bought this beautiful space ship, and now it is trying out. He took and Johnny with him, because he liked bragging.

"Johnny when will you marry ? " asked uncle


Johnny is a young student Astronautics, poor, shy, skinny, with long hair, with the headset in one ear, which is constantly playing good music.

Wable added gas and ship it reared, and in no time they were close to a star in the constellation Cygnus.
The ship had two engines, with endless cascades and huge resonance, for an extra charge, had a double vortices tachyon fields.

"Look Johnny, this is my planet!" And rushed Wable towards a beautiful blue planet!

The planet is all of a beautiful blue ocean!
Wable lowered the boat next to the water and braked. Hovered a few feet above the waves, enjoy the beautiful landscape.

"In the sunny foam,
shiny beach
gently twisted,
and the waves sing
swinging white lace,
and scented palms, wishes widened sparkling
multicolored dress ...
fragrant wind them called the dance "


The planet is all white with beautiful blue ocean!
Wable lowered the boat next to the water and braked. Hovered a few feet above the waves, enjoy the beautiful landscape. They jumped into the sea and swam.
Suddenly, out of the sea jumped out of a horrible large animals
and attacked Johnny.
The larger of the largest whales, ogrommnih mouth with big sharp teeth!
Wable jumped ship and fired the laser cannon. "Ha, ha!"
The powerful laser beam fry are huge predators, who disappeared in the deep endless sea. Wable he laughed, then flew slowly above the waves, to an island that has appeared as a green diamond!
Green glitter trees like palm trees, and a few colorful tree in all colors of the rainbow! On the shores of the island glittered were gold and diamond sand beaches ...
Music was playing in the handset:
5.6. ("Light steps,
in the summer of sunny,
ah summer,
the golden sun,
hot air,
the song caught the wind in the sky ...)

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